DCUK member today.
Hi SouthportGP
I live in Sefton but seem to be getting totally different advice to what you have demonstrated (from GP, Dietician and Practice Nurse - even though the practice nurse says my results are the best she has seen since she has been there!!!). When I was diagnosed and after viewing this forum I took the advice offered here and went for a LCHF diet and the results have been fantastic.
My GP put me on one 500mg Metformin and told me that I wouldnt need to test and that this would take a year to have any real effect on my HbA1c readings so when I was diagnosed my reading was 84, after my first 3 month test I had reduced to 35 and the last test I had I had further reduced to 31 all in 8 months in total.
I have lost over 3 1/2 stone and gone from a 46 waist to a 38 waist
I don't think I am wrong in assuming that this isn't to do with the Metformin but the diet and hopefully at my next review I will just be able to control my diabetes through diet
Long may LCHF remain
I love these success stories. Much more inspiring that all the scienz in the world. Anecdotal evidence to some - inspiring to others.