Wednesday 2 April 2014

The Forum is now officially the largest diabetes forum in Europe! More complete Bollocks from the MANAGEMENT !

"The Forum is now officially the largest diabetes forum in Europe! We'd like to thank everyone for being part of something that is truly special - part of the DCUK family."

If we say it's true, it's true The Management !

This is the biggest load of bollocks I have ever read on the DCUK forum, and trust me, I have seen a lot of complete tosh posted over there. Sure it boasts a long member list, but 99% plus of the members never post. The majority of members had never posted, last time I checked the membership list out. It is well known I have been banned on numerous occasions, but I am still on the members lists under various names and still get the marketing emails.

I think old Noblehead aka Pinocchio is writing the script for the owners these days, what larks as Dillinger would say. DCUK may have a long, a very long list of ex members, never posted members and a very long list of still on the payroll banned members, but it's no big deal.

BTW This dross is posted up on a day a popular member was asking why she had been temporarily banned, a members complete post deleted who only asked an honest question, and more thread locking. Be "part of the DCUK family" Jeez it's the Adams family most of the time !

You really couldn't make it up. The forum is small part useful information, but mostly a complete lunatic asylum, why they banned a nutter like me is beyond me, I fitted right in !!!



  1. I can't post on the Why Was I Banned thread as it has been; can you guess? Locked!

    But what was particularly funny was Sid 'Brain The Size of A Planet' Bonkers saying that he was banned but he didn't go around complaining about it. Er, that is, apart from in his post complaining about it.

    DUK may not be a democracy but the Mods surely don't have to behave as if President Putin was demanding reports from them on 'compliance' every 5 minutes.



  2. Another day another dollar on the forum of flog.

    Basically the message has been if you don't like the cynical and dishonest way we run the forum F**K Off !


  3. They may think it large but so many members are apathetic, hence the large members list but the many who read but don't post.Reflection of life? Owning up I read and do not post there but comment here on the occasion.It suits me.

  4. Hi James

    You are appreciated here, thanks for taking the time.


  5. President Putin2 April 2014 at 20:46

    Eddie said "Basically the message has been if you don't like the cynical and dishonest way we run the forum F**K Off !"

    Oh and we no longer allow negative comments here on my blog, pot and kettle Eddie?

    Vladimir Putin

  6. DCUK won't accept the truth, why should I accept and post up lies.

    Next comment or question !



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