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Friday, 4 April 2014

The older I get the madder the world gets, or perhaps it's people are.

The thread title was part of a comment that came in from James today. The picture below I nicked off Lisa's blog today from here.

Part of her post says.

"The ignorance I am faced with on a regular basis when it comes to nutrition and diabetes is quite mind boggling. Gee, I wonder why my child is the only patient at his clinic with normal BGs and normal HbA1c's and normal blood lipids??? I guess it's because I am a negligent mother who refuses to feed her child poison. So call me a party pooper if you wish, but get the facts right first. My son will have the last laugh when he is still thriving in his 80's with all his body parts intact and functioning."

Yes, we certainly live in a mad world. A world where diabetics are constantly told by the majority of dietitians to base every meal on starchy carbs i.e sugar. Which of course results in high BG numbers and ever more medication.

Yesterday I received an email from a trainee dietitian in her final year. She is appalled by some of the rubbish she has been taught. I will be writing to her today, to answer her questions, and ask for her permission to publish her email on this blog. It is a very damning indictment of the current state of affairs, as you will see, if permission is granted. This poor woman tells me she is regarded as a heretic by her peers, her crime, she has researched further, she is honest, and refuses to toe the line of out of date information, and refuses to advise the diet of slow death to diabetics and those with weight problems.



Gwen said...

Believe it or not, I try NOT to be cynical, but the most I see, the more I believe that the medical Societies who lead, the medical hierarchy, have PURPOSELY mislead all, including the majority of go-along-doctors, for the sake of Big Pharma. With no regard for human life and the Hypocratic Oath.

Anonymous said...

Clever cartoon and ain't it the truth:)

Thommothebear said...

I domt think its for big pharma, its more likely the huge corn and grain conglomerates in the US which could collapse the US economy if everyone stops eating their corn derived products, most notably high fructose corn syrup. The export income for the US is huge.