Monday, 14 April 2014

Why are so many diabetics as thick as a plank ?

I often wonder, does diabetes turn you into a thick as plank idiot, or have so many diabetics been stupid all their lives. Take today for example at the flog. Borofergie starts a thread regarding a small study re low carb diets etc. which can be read here. He preempted the sort of attitude displayed by many with his first words "First let's get the negatives out of the way" This post was about a small pilot study, not a $200 million long term trial, but it was encouraging reading for low carbers. Some members were not impressed, some people are waiting for a massive long term trial, before giving the thumbs up to long term low carb high fat diet for diabetics. Fergie as alway cut to the chase when he said "I agree, it is just a promising pilot trial, but that's all we have until someone funds a long term trial. I don't know about you, but I'm not prepared to wait for 10 years to see if low-carbing works, and suffer bleeding eyeballs, amputated toes and failing kidneys in the meantime." Spot on as usual !

I can tell you this, if you have poor diabetes control, or up to your neck in medication, and are going to wait for a long term low carb trial to be convinced, low carb is the way to go, get yourself a good funeral plan. Get on E Bay and pick up a bargain in the way of a wheel chair, white stick and a blind dog. While you are at it, look out for second hand kidney dialyses machine, while you can still see. Sorry to disappoint you folks, but there ain't ever gonna be a long term trial. The only people with the money to conduct that sort of trial are big pharma and junk food. Do you honestly think those sharks are going to blow their own brains out? If so your priority should be looking for a good psychiatric councillor.

Let's look at it another way, do we need a trial to tell us hitting ourselves on the head with a bat is not a good idea? Or jumping off high buildings could be dangerous ? What are these chumps waiting for? For some long term trial to say eating whole fresh foods and staying away from highly processed crap is the way to go ! A trial that says getting off your arse is better than having a sofa nailed to your butt is good. Are the planks waiting for a trial that tells diabetics not to base their diet on sugar and starch? 

Jeez, I can see why so many good guys walk away from the flog, blogs and other asylums. How do you talk sense into someone with a coconut between their ears? In around thirty days I am walking away from reading forums and blogging, I've come to the end of the road, how much lunacy can one man take?

From the UKPDS trial (43% carbohydrate diet)

This is what happens to a typical type two diabetic who thinks meds will sort out their diabetes. Low carb high fat or face the grim consequences. BTW a type two on insulin has three times the death rate of a non insulin user (dose dependent)



  1. People would rather die, quite literally, than give up their grains. I see and hear this attitude ALL the freakin' time. And I was once the biggest grain addict I knew.

    People are so afraid of stepping outside of their comfortable little rat hole, no matter if its killing them or not.

  2. it's impossible to reason with unreasonable people! obviously, the medical industry has effectively brainwashed people that they know what they're doing -- in the last half-dozen years i've watched two (intelligent) friends die of cancer without even THINKING about whether their treatment was the best possible....

  3. To be fair Eddie, Spiker made some very valid points andYeah I'm happy to place a bet on low carb.was not dismissing a low carb lifestyle, just a couple of flaws with the study itself. Spiker said:
    "Yeah I'm happy to place a bet on low carb."
    Hopefully this study is soon to be just one of many which will eventually provide enough evidence that the NHS has to sit up and listen.
    Take care Vader !

  4. Mo

    "Yeah I'm happy to place a bet on low carb."

    With respect Mo, usually when we place a bet, we have a choice, we pick a horse in a race say. There is only one way for type two diabetics and most type ones, low carb high fat or die young, we have no choice.

    Check out the graph Fergie put up, see what meds did not achieve on the standard recommended diet. A one way trip to complications and an early death ! Remember the type two insulin study for type two's that got locked ? Up to three times the death rate for a type two on insulin.


  5. Gwen

    You are right. I am beginning to think so many want to fail, they won't be disappointed. They will be able to go on forums and get lot's of sympathy when they start going blind, of have a foot removed.

    Everyone loves a bad luck story, it makes them feel better about themselves. Look at the crap that gets posted on the forum. So many young people at the flog who will be very lucky to get to 50 years of age.


  6. Tess

    Agree the Doc always knows best, he knows the answers, a big pharma rep told him, they would not lie would they.

    We live in a world of crap food, useless drugs and the quick fix. Tell some people that and they think you are mad.

    Most of the modern illnesses are down to lifestyle, how the hell could a change of lifestyle work. Anyone that thinks like that is a conspiracy theorist eh.


  7. BTW Mo

    On checking again on the 'thread' I see it was another type one on insulin having a meddle in a low carb diet thread. A person that has a lot more leeway than a typical type two, many who can't even get hold of some test strips.

    Playing Mr.Nice guy kills people.


  8. Eddie, Spiker is T1, agreed, but many T1's low carb too. Bit unfair to say he was "meddling". The original post was in the low carb section, not T2 section, so it's open for anyone to comment. My point was, although issues were discussed over how the study was carried out, it was still agreed by all posters that low carb is the way forward.
    Take care Vader :-)

  9. Jimmy Moore is really rocking that low carb diet body

  10. Charlie when are you going to get a life, stalking Jimmy Moore and Evie using you face as seat is no way to live lad.

    Tell me, you are attracted to Jimmy aren't you, come out of the closet mate, you will feel much better.


  11. I believe many people are just afraid to step outside their doctor's advice. It would be a mental equivalent for them of quitting job, selling house and going to live in a forest like there is no civilization - too uncomfortable. Civilization means the division of a labor - we are paid money for what we do, and we pay other professionals - doctors, manufacturers of food, shoes, furniture and clothing, auto-mechanics, builders, police force. Most of the low-abiding population is raised and trained to follow rules. There are some people who build their furniture, hunt, raise gardens, but they do it more like a hobby. By telling others to discard what the trained health professionals are telling you may tilt them too much out of their mental balance, so they defend what they are told in defense of the public order as they understand it.
    We are the minority. That is why I value the people like Francizca so much - their existence is helpful for the part of population who are very rules oriented.

  12. Ouch, JM looks like crap in that picture. Usually I gloss over Grashow's postings but I think he is right on this one. If my fitness or diet guru looked like that I'd start looking for another.

  13. @Eddie

    Comment on his physical appearance and massive weight regain.

  14. Hi Galina

    "That is why I value the people like Francizca so much"

    One day all dietitians will be like Franziska a truly wonderful woman that puts her clients health above all else. She talks the talk and walks the walk, a living testament for the whole foods and drop the junk example to us all.

    Thanks for your comments and loyalty.


  15. @Grashow

    Comment on the reason carbsane never reveals a full picture of herself.

  16. To Charlie and gutless anon.

    You two really don't get it do you. I believe in loyalty. I like Jimmy he has helped me. I would never comment about Jimmy to slags like you two, ever.

    Jimmy has something you two will never have, guts.

    Show us some recent pictures of yourselves, you anonymous guttersnipes.


  17. "@Grashow

    Comment on the reason carbsane never reveals a full picture of herself."

    Agree 100% a picture of Grizzly Grashow would be good too !


  18. Eddie, I think I get it and your loyalty to JM and his cause are commendable, BUT, his appearance in the picture is horrible. I'm not sure how it is that you cannot see it too. I would be interested if any one else thought he looked fit and healthy.

  19. @Grashow
    Hey Charlie boy did you know the EMA is concerned about the safety of testostrone meds?

    Review of testosterone containing medicines


  20. @Eddie

    "the use of testosterone increases the risk of myocardial infarction (heart attack) in men aged over 65 years, as well as in younger men with pre-existing heart disease. This study follows other studies including the Veterans Health Care Study2, which suggests that men with pre-existing heart disease who received treatment with testosterone had a higher risk of heart problems than men who did not receive testosterone."

    Does not apply to me at all!

    With regard to Jimmy's appearance and your refusal to comment at all - brings to mind the story of the Emperor's New Clothes.

    Since your so concerned with my health - you're such a good lad your mum must be so proud of how she raised you - I took a carotid artery duplex scan in Feb. and it came out perfect.

  21. "Since your so concerned with my health"

    Charlie it's your mental health that concerns me. Spending your life stalking people, look at your recent twitter activity, a rabid rant from start to finish. What is your cause Charlie ? What benefit to anyone are your posts ? You are running a sort of hypochondriacs anonymous, mainly for your own benefit !

    BTW It was rather slippery of you to bring my long departed Mother into our bun fight. Do you think an anonymous lowlife like you can wind me up ?


  22. @Eddie

    Still refusing to comment on Jimmy's appearance. Your responses that contain nothing but vitriol speak vitriol for themselves.

  23. Why not start attacking Tom Naughton aka Fat Head??

    "I should file my next few posts under Stuff I Got Wrong, or at least Stuff I Wish I Hadn’t Ignored. One is resistant starch. The other is “safe starch” as prescribed in Paul Jaminet’s Perfect Health Diet. Revisiting resistant starch led to me to revisit safe starch, so I’ll start with resistant starch.

    I dismissed resistant starch because of how it came to my attention. Some articles hit the media praising resistant starch as a means of controlling blood sugar. Reading those articles, it was clear to me that resistant starch was being promoted by the makers of high-maize resistant starch – an industrial corn product. When I looked up the studies mentioned in the articles, it turned out researchers had replaced white flour with high-maize resistant starch in baked goods, and lo and behold, people who ate the resistant-starch versions ended up with lower blood sugar.

    So it looked like the “Whole grains are good for you!” story all over again: replace total crap with less-than-total crap, and people have better health outcomes. That doesn’t mean less-than-total crap is good for you. If you want to convince me resistant starch lowers blood sugar, show me the studies where it’s added to the diet, not used to replace white flour.


    Turns out those studies exist and have been around for decades. I only became aware of that after Richard Nikoley took up the subject of resistant starch with a vengeance on his Free The Animal blog. He’s become so passionate about the subject, he created a permanent, top-level page on the blog called A Resistant Starch Primer for Newbies.

    So after Nikoley had posted enough articles to overcome my resistance to the subject of resistant starch, I finally ordered some Bob’s Red Mill Potato Starch, which is almost pure resistant starch, and started experimenting. (I’ve since learned I can just buy the stuff at our local Whole Foods.)

    I started out with two tablespoons per day and didn’t experience any of the explosive-gas problems some people reported on Nikoley’s blog, so I upped it to four. I just stir it into some warm water (warning: hot water will turn it into starch, not resistant starch) and drink it.

    Like many of Nikoley’s readers, I found that my fasting glucose dropped, from around 100 in the morning to around 90. Not bad, but the more impressive result has been post-meal glucose levels. As an experiment, I ate about 3/4 cup of white rice without consuming any resistant starch for the preceeding 24 hours. My glucose peaked at 150. The next day, I swallowed two tablespoons of resistant starch around 10:00 AM and consumed the same amount of rice around noon. This time my glucose peaked at 118 and dropped to 95 an hour later. In another experiment, I pre-loaded with resistant starch and then had a baked potato with dinner. My glucose peaked at 126. Lots of Free the Animal readers have reported similar results."

    Let the insults roll.

  24. I fight for a cause Charlie, to help diabetics to a safer place. You are only interested in self aggrandizement and sucking up to that awful Evelyn Kocur. You continue to ask me to comment on Jimmy’s appearance, what about your appearance Charlie ? Maybe you are morbidly obese and very unhealthy, how do we know ? I think when you have published recent photographs of yourself, you will have a right to comment on others. Did you like the photo I put up for you ?

    You and Kocur et al comment on others appearance yet hide like rats in a sewer. Why do you live in such fear Charlie ? What is your cause ? who do you help ?

    I think you are a troll Charlie with absolutely nothing to offer. Why don’t you tell us what really makes you such a sad person, is it jealousy, or do your issues go much deeper ? I think I can help you Charlie, but don’t expect positive results overnight.


  25. Charlie your last rant came in while I was typing my last reply to you. I will answer your last comment later today. Stand by for a new thread, I will give you the spotlight you so obviously crave.

    Off for a few hours R and R


  26. I got curious about the JM appearance and decided to check what was going on.
    I can comment on it. It is obvious for me that he has a need in a skin-reduction surgery which is the regular complication after a very big weight-loss It is usually more prominent in the low-belly area. I even discussed it with him on his blog(after looking on the pictures he placed there) - I though such surgery would reduce the number of shrank fat cell in his body and rise leptine level. He agreed with me and said he was thinking about the surgery himself because of some sores in the skin folds. I guess, money issue may be a factor to delay or avoid that surgery - it has more than $20 000 price tag and require also a long recovery time. You can read very early Wooo's blog posts about her experience.
    It is impossible to achieve the perfect body shape after a massive weight loss by a diet alone. Extreme obesity deforms body even when a lot of fat is gone. Of course, it is not the reason to blame his LC diet on it.

  27. @Grashow

    You do know there is a difference between diabetic and non diabetics blood sugar response to carbohydrates don't you?

    As this is a UK site it would be helpful if you used mmol/l not mg/dl

  28. @Galina
    To blame his current appearance on excess skin is laughable. His is a case of pure weight gain. I wonder what metabolic process will get the blame for it, it can't be the "nutritional ketosis" lol.

  29. What amazes me is the fact that Grashow and the anonymous negative posters are jerking off over what jimmy's weight happens to be, sick or what.

    Maybe if Jimmy goes down with cancer, god forbid, they can throw a party. Sick fucks the lot of them.

    BTW Charlie, I have decided not to spend more time with you until we see some photographs of you. I have been reliably informed you are a Carbsane sock puppet.


  30. Anonymous,
    When I was discussing the loose skin with Jimmy on his blog, I was looking at his shirtless picture which was quite revealing - emaciated face, thinnish arms and that hanging pouch. I bet that loose pouch didn't go anywhere since then, didn't get affected by that nutritional ketosis or any fitness regiment he was following. It was what I saw in the link Charles provided. I don't follow Jimmy's saga closely, just came to the information about him from time to time on other blogs. The last was from the obesity conference in San-Diego ( where his upper body and especially face looked not fat at all, but I am sure his body was still deformed by his weight fluctuations. My guess based on his history - he will be weight fluctuating in a future.

  31. @Eddie

    Here's the point. I do NOT have to post any picture of myself if I choose NOT to. Unlike Jimmy Moore I do not choose to live my life in public. No matter what you say in response to my questions the fact remains that Jimmy looks rather unhealthy. His pillsbury doughboy appearance is NOT due to excess skin resulting from his weight loss as he did not look like this in previous photographs posted after his last major weight loss. So it must be due to something else. If you were really his friend you would show some level of concern but you don't. Oh well

  32. @Charles, not sure of your history and Eddie is always up for a nice debate but not cool bringing his family into it ! Very low and doesn't help your argument one bit.

  33. Maybe this is why Jimmy Moore is FAT!!

    5 pastured eggs cooked in Kerrygold butter with a whole stick of Kerrygold butter.

  34. Charles Grashow said...
    Maybe this is why Jimmy Moore is FAT!!

    We know you have multiple health problems Charlie boy, could it be all the medications have taken their toll on the old grey matter, it does appear your unhealthy obsession with Jimmy goes beyond the actions of a mentally stable individual.

    Do take care old chap

  35. @Graham

    "We know you have multiple health problems Charlie boy"

    Why not list them?


The lowcarb team value your comments. Thank you for taking the time to contribute to our blog. Please note! negative comments and insults from anonymous idiots, with nothing to add to the debate will not be authorised. However, we welcome constructive criticism.

The best of health to you and yours.
