Sunday, 6 April 2014

Why the average dietitian doesn't know shit from Shinola !

If you check out high profile US dietitian Hope Warshaw aka Old Dog Ma, she reckons low carb is the old dogma, a high carb diet and a bag full of drugs is the way forward. Many dietitians feel the same way. Any experienced diabetic knows a diet comprising of up to 65% carbs will take blood glucose through the roof. Personally I don't know any type two drugs, or even a cocktail of type two drugs that would bring my BG down from the twenties to five. Because that's what my BG numbers would be, on that sort of diet. Maybe she wants all type two's on insulin, and lots of it !

Unfortunately most dietitians advise the same sort of diet of death, as does the NHS and DUK etc. Let's take an active man on 2500 calories a day, 50% carbs, carbs equals around 312 grams of carb. Now, here's the deal, try eating whole fresh foods and trying to get to that sort of carb intake. Getting the message ? I would have to be on 15,000 calories a day eating my whole fresh foods to get to 300 grams of carb per day i.e six times more food than I eat now. As you can see, the only way I can stick to 2500 calories a day is to eat one hell of a lot of highly processed junk. Of course a diet of cereals, bread, pasta, cakes and biscuits etc. makes the task very easy.

So, eating whole fresh foods, it is impossible to eat the amount of food it would require to get anywhere near 300 plus grams of carb. per day. Eating junk is the only way it can be done. The $64.000 question is why are we being told to eat junk ? 

I often wonder how much of the massive profits made by multinational multi $billion turnover junk food conglomerates is invested in big pharma, it's a no brainer when you think about it.

The choice is yours this sort of food

Or this


From Hope Warshaw.
"Old Dogma: People with type 2 diabetes should follow a low carbohydrate diet.
New Reality: Nutrition recommendations for people with type 2 diabetes from the American Diabetes Association and other health authorities echo the recently unveiled U.S. 2010 Dietary Guidelines (1/31/11) for carbohydrate : about 45 to 65 percent of calories. (Americans currently eat about 45 to 50 percent of calories as carbohydrate--not a "high carb" intake.)" Here.


  1. Low Carb Pudding6 April 2014 at 10:47

    Now EDDIE own up on this fantastic diet you have regained alot of weight and are on meds - true so it really works then!

  2. Exactly - well put Eddie. I usually eat about 1300 calories a day (on the days I do count which is rare) and I'm never hungry. Eating this way I have no idea how I'd put away 2,000 calories!!

  3. Nobody seems to get it that going LC/HF means you reduce your calories from previous levels.

  4. "Low Carb Pudding said...
    Now EDDIE own up on this fantastic diet you have regained alot of weight and are on meds - true so it really works then!"

    Are you trying to pull my pudd ? I have been on the same diabetes meds for six years, two metformin pills.

    As for weight increase from being too light to around ten pounds increase over the last year, and waist from 32" to 34"

    Please try harder if you want to wind me up. Take the time to post more than one sentence, perhaps you could get someone to help you.


  5. Low Carb Pudding6 April 2014 at 13:35

    Well there you are evidence that you are fatter! So may be you had better cut down - by the way what is that in the picture - fish or chicken?

  6. "The $64.000 question is why are we being told to eat junk ?"
    You nailed the answer Eddie; money, money, profit and greed; sod the health of the populus.
    That salad looks good to me;much preffered to pills.

  7. Low Carb Pudding6 April 2014 at 16:15

    Who tells you to eat junk - you choose that yourself.

    So Eddie what are you going to do about the 10 pounds - not far off a stone!

    So there we are again Lynda starves on 1300 calories - hardly HF.

  8. "Who tells you to eat junk - you choose that yourself."

    My healthcare team ! At diagnosis I was told to eat starchy carbohydrates with every meal.

    See video here.


  9. "So there we are again Lynda starves on 1300 calories - hardly HF."

    Lynda looks great to me as do I. Do you know I looked at myself naked in a full length mirror today and I was in awe of myself, what a fine hunk of manhood I thought, and Jan can't get enough of it Ha Ha.


  10. Low Carb Pudding6 April 2014 at 19:14

    oh please just had my dinner. So how are you getting the 10 pounds off then - as it will affect your control!
    How has this happened?

  11. Back again pudd puller.

    I like you and thank you for raising our post view counts. I am sensing you are suffering from severe portion control, very frustrating I reckon. I am chuffed to have added to your lonely and very boring Sunday. Come back anytime. BTW send me your email address and I will send you a signed photograph. Play your cards right and I will send you a picture "oh naturale" I know how much I excite you. LOL


  12. Low carb pudding aka Karla

  13. "Low carb pudding aka Karla"

    Maybe, who knows, lots of wackos on the Internet.

    I like to think I am offering a service to the great unwashed and out to lunch.


  14. You are offering good advice. Whether readers take it or not it's their decision.

    Paul B

  15. Low Carb Pudding said...
    Now EDDIE own up on this fantastic diet you have regained alot of weight and are on meds - true so it really works then!

    LowCarb definitely works, six years is proof enough for us. As for meds do you reckon a couple of metformin would be enough to manage the 45 - 65% carbs promoted by idiot dietitians and phoenix.

    Anyway just who are you? for all we know you could be an obese carb junkie on a high meds regime.


  16. Your dinner looks very tasty and nice, but there's not very much of it. Plenty of room for a big pudding, I suppose.



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