Thursday, 1 May 2014

British Dietetic Association, Chris Cashin and the diet of slow death !

No one at the forum DCUK from the old days will ever forget Chris Cashin aka Ally 5555. She became known as the ‘resident dietitian’ She was vehemently against low carb, and targeted just about every low carber, with warnings of scurvy, osteoporosis, chronic constipation and worse. I never took her seriously, for many reasons. First she appeared to have very little understanding of basic human metabolism, even less knowledgeable on the control of diabetes. Also, her style of writing bordered on the incomprehensible at times, no capital letters where appropriate, grammar and spelling was commensurate with an illiterate child. OK I grant you I am no Oxford Don in the English department, but then again, I am not a healthcare professional, University lecturer and a Director of the BDA. Chris Cashin is all those things, and in my opinion, was and is a menace to the diabetic community. When I publicly named her on this blog, she swiftly disappeared from the DCUK forum and the likes of the Dr. John Briffa blog who shredded her arguments here. She did report me and this blog to the Police, as can be read here.

It was noise maybe, an attempt to shut me up, it came to nothing, I had committed no crime, and the blog was reinstated two days later, end of. I have refrained from commenting on Chris Cashin for some years, but a reader of this blog sent me an email today, and it appears nothing has changed regarding Chris Cashin and the diet of slow death, in fact, it may be about to get worse. How can it get worse you may be asking? Because Chris Cashin is, according to her twitter page, hereSo my fellow BDA members I am standing for the post of Chair Elect - please vote for me! I am very passionate about the role of Dietitians” Her attitude to low carbers has not changed. A low carber posted “LC best for weight loss, blood sugar, HBA1c, insulin, blood pressure, lipids, mood, satiation, CHD” and “All the science favs LC!” and the response from Cashin “You are brain washed by the LC zealots!” So, is it only the attitude of Cashin that has not changed in the last six years, or is this the attitude, or policy of the BDA, that low carbers are zealots, despite the fact, low carbers have produced infinitely more success, in the safe control of diabetes for diabetics, than the lamentable and totally failed BDA, as the NHS audited stats prove.

Let’s have a look at a poll of BDA dietitians and their views re carbohydrates and type two diabetes. Information recently published by the BDA.

From the British Dietetic Association website re a recent meeting of members.

“Carbohydrate Advice in Type 2 Diabetes – The ‘Hot Potato’ of  ! ! Dietetics?”

“The latest UK nutrition guidelines for diabetes suggest an individualised approach to carbohydrate in Type 2 diabetes, and focus on calorie reduction and weight management in those who need to lose weight. But where does that leave more detailed or specific advice about carbohydrate for individual patients? What should Dietitians be advising their patients? Preliminary research into the current practice of UK Dietitians in this topical field will be reported, together with the current evidence-base. Participants in this session will have the opportunity to review their own practice in this area and contribute to the ongoing debate.”

The $64000 question is, how could any successful organisation operate with absolutely no overall common policy ? no corporate structure or method of operation whatsoever. Remember we are not talking about flogging nuts and bolts here, we are talking about the health of millions of people. Is it any wonder the UK diabetes statistics are so grim, when the very organisation that should be leading the way to better health for so many, could not run a whelk stall. Until the BDA at the very least, issue some basic guidelines to their members and have some sort of common policy, regarding carbohydrate control or restriction, the carnage will go on. It is my opinion, the BDA is at the very least, partly responsible for the early death of countless diabetics. If Chris Cashin gets her hand on the tiller, will the situation improve? Judging by her recent twitter comments, the diet of slow death will continue to be promoted by the BDA.

Sorry the above link does not work, maybe the BDA removed the poll I have posted to on several occasions, let's face it, it was hardly complimentary to the BDA and it's members.

I am proud to be a low carb zealot, and no sign of scurvy, osteoporosis or any other negative conditions brought about by a low carb diet. Unless, you consider six years of running non diabetic BG numbers, a good lipid panel, improved BP, and safe weight a sign of failure. Cashin has always had a lot to say, but never over here. I can shred her arguments against low carb and she knows it, come over Chris and take me on.



Following on from the BDA poll many other Health Care Professionals are questioning the role of carbohydrates in diabetes, in recent DUK professional conference dietetics debate: " it's time to stop promoting carbohydrates to people with diabetes " the motion was carried by a 70 to 30 vote see the report from the Southport GP .



  1. If dietitians were diabetics then they would think differently.

    You have to live with diabetes 24/7 to be able to work out a suitable eating plan.

  2. If CC gets the helm the state of diabetics and the general populus health will be in for more stormy waters.

    What is needed is a strong captain, someone who is willing to make waves and not steer us all in calm waters. Calm waters may be good for some but not for the general populus.

  3. Unfortunately most dietitians in the UK are clueless. So many times on the TV we see a bloated and obese dietitian telling us how it should be.

    As far as diabetes goes, they are a health hazard, as countless diabetes forum posts prove. The BDA is a marketing outfit to promote dietitians, any benefit for the general populous and diabetics, is purely coincidental.



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The best of health to you and yours.
