Wednesday, 14 May 2014

DCUK about as much use a rubber beak on a woodpecker at times !

A member posts

"So today I went for my diabetic review. Ive recebtly changed doctors to a really lovely practice. Went to see the nurse today, in absolutely bits tears the lot at my hba1c being so high (10.9) lovely lady called the doc in and talked to me about gliclazide. Made me feel really at ease. Left feeling really positive and that I can get this under control. Put my presecription in amd the pharmacist called me to a side room where she said the following 'a woman of your age (33) shouldnt be on this medication. You need to think about slimming world, lose that tummy weight' and so on :( tummy weight and slimming world wete the exact words. To say im not totally feeling crappy and not posutive at all is an understatement :( I know its thier job to warn about medication etc but this really?? my doc already said at 33 and not overweight that I dont exactly fit the bill of a typical type 2 and they are now questioning whether I need tests for LADA but im just in bits now. Work have sent me home for the rest of the week as I turned up all tearful. My question is would you just let the pharmacists comments slip or do you think I need to put in some kind of complaint? "

Various members including a mod said words to the effect of poor you, never mind dear etc. The Pharmacist was right ! Glic is a known destroyer of beta cells. it works by forcing the pancreas to output more insulin, the last thing a newly diagnosed type two diabetic needs. An  overweight type two diabetic at diagnosis, can have up to three times the plasma insulin levels compared to a slim none diabetic, more insulin is not the answer. Also, this drug can cause hypos. Dr Richard Bernstein will not prescribe the drug because of the damage it can cause.

For type two diabetics, insulin resistance is the problem, outputting more insulin will only make the problems worse. Treat the disease, not the symptoms. Come on DCUK get your act together. Get some mods that know what they are talking about, not game show hosts !


Link to the flog here.

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