Friday, 30 May 2014

DCUK and the NICE 3% weight loss lunacy and the clique !

Some may have seen the story being pushed by our NICE organisation in the UK. NICE are supposed to be experts on all things medical and advise the NHS. The latest lunacy from NICE is the over weight and obese should be aiming for a 3% weight loss. So imagine a man weighing 300 lbs. who should weigh around 170 lbs. Clearly a reduction of 9 lbs is better than an increase of 9 lbs. but in the overall scheme of things matters not a jot. Maybe NICE think if this can be achieved across the nation, they can trumpet they are getting on top of the obesity and often linked type two diabetes epidemics, who knows.

Still with me ? great. So, where does the the low carb anti clique come in you maybe thinking. A DCUK member posted up a new thread with a link to the NICE story reported by the BBC in the link above. The member called the thread "I suppose it's a step in the right direction" he also posted a quote from the article "Plan to reduce calorie intake, but not ban specific foods or food groups" The bottom line, members realised the NICE latest guidelines are rubbish, and yet again the dreaded carbs do not get mentioned, yet again it's all down to cut some calories. But all is not lost for the carboholics, CatherineCherub rides in like a white knight to defend the dross. Well she would do that, she's a healthcare professional.

Noblehead long time clique member, and greatest liar in the history of the forum waded in "That's a great post Catherine It is a step in the right direction, 3% is doable for most people and it's only a starting point in which to begin, I'm a firm believer that the slower you lose weight the less likely you are to put it back on, any weight loss is beneficial to all-round health." So, Noblehead likes the advice from the medics eh, that's not what he used to say.

From Noblehead

"I have seen dieticians, read books, spoke to my diabetic care team, and none have offered any constructive advice on controlling weight. Reading this forum has been helpful, and reading other peoples experiences in controlling their diabetes and improving Hba1c's, has been inspirational !

I can't recollect at any time been given advice on reducing carbs to control weight. I have always been told to eat plenty of carbs at every meal, together with the usual meat and veg. Once I was told that a bowl of cereal for breakfast was insufficient, and should include 2 slices of toast also. Looking back I can now see how flawed this advice/information has been.

Cutting back on the carbs, reducing portion size and eating sensible foods, combined with plenty of exercise has changed my approach to diabetes. I am now eating approximately half the amount of carbs I ate only 3 months back, and at last my weight is starting to drop. Before I started to cut back I was 14st 12lb, and being only 5ft 9'' was well overweight, and my BMI was 31."

Check out the full story proving Noblehead to be a duplicitous liar, back in the days he thanked low carbers for saving his health here.

So folks there you have it, the slippery Catherine pokes her oar in yet again, backed up by Pinocchio, and of course Phoenix liked it. How long before the anti's get Sid Bonkers out of retirement to put the boot in ? stand by for lots of cut and paste from phoenix.

Also this week a thread was started called Forum Ghosts, commenting on why so many good and knowledgeable members have left the forum. Noblehead said "Seen 1000's of people come and go over the years, there's various reasons why members stop posting and all are personal to themselves, however there's still a few of us around from the early days of when the forum began" Yes Noblehead and the clique have been on the forum from the start, still lying, still misinforming people and still pushing carbs and often unnecessary medication at every opportunity. I am sure the low carb anti clique will be there until the end.

Last word to good good guy Tommothebear "I dip in now and then but can rarely be bothered to post any more as it just isn't worth the aggravation" said on the Forum Ghost thread here.

DCUK thread "I suppose it's a step in the right direction" here.



  1. Any weight loss is good.

  2. As long as carb/sugar addicts cannot accept THE EXCEEDINGLY SIMPLE FACT that grains/sugar turn into sugar/glucose in the body...and thats effect on everyone, especially are banging your head against the wall. Not that you can't/shouldn't continue to bang your head on the wall, but their addictions are doing their talking. They refuse to see the forest for the trees...

  3. Gwen is right, and you must keep passing on the important message. Reduce the sugars and carbohydrates for HEALTH'S SAKE.


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