Tuesday, 20 May 2014

Memo to Sir Rory Statin Gissa Job

"Gissa Job ! I can do that !" Yosser Hughes

Anyone with an interest in statin drugs in the UK, knows of Sir Rory Collins. Rory promotes statins, he believes they are life savers and wonderful drugs. Now, I am sure Rory is a paragon of integrity, and his honesty is beyond reproach, hence I want a job working for him. The job will be well paid and secure, as his outfit must be awash with money, received from big pharma. Zoe Harcombe stated yesterday here. 

"The web of funding around Collins, CTT, CTSU (Clinical Trial Service Unit) has proved astoundingly difficult to get to the bottom of. I had a bit of a breakthrough recently and came across a declaration of interest for Colin Baigent – CTT secretariat and close senior colleague of Collins. Check page five for current and recent grants. The following have been awarded to Colin Baigent and Rory Collins, (with other names mentioned alongside):
Merck & Schering£39 MILLION (2002-2011)
Merck£52 MILLION (2005-2013)
British Heart Foundation£9 MILLION (2005-2013) (Where does the BHF get that kind of money?) & then another grant from the BHF for £2.7 MILLION (2004-2013) & then a couple more for several hundreds of thousands of pounds.
Medical Research Council£13.8 MILLION (2008-2013) (Check the most recent appointees to the MRC - a Senior Vice President of Pfizer and Executive Vice President of Astra Zeneca).
BayerA mere £965,000
John Wyeth Ltd£500,000

That’s £114 MILLION before you get into the small change."

Statins are a $30 billion a year earner, yet no proof exists that you will live any longer if you take them. The benefits are minimal and the list of side effects long. Just as many people have heart attacks and strokes with so call 'good cholesterol' numbers as those with so called 'bad cholesterol numbers', that is a fact. The fact that so much money has to be pumped into the 24/7 sell job by the statinators should tell you something, what other drug, or in fact any service or product has been sold as hard as statins ? none that I can think of. 
Come on Rory Gissa Job, any chance of an S Class Merc company motor ?

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