Friday, 9 May 2014

My dog has been diagnosed with diabetes today !

Over at the forum of flog a member posted.

"Hi everyone I'm completely new to diabetes looking for some guidance and help with this, my 11yr old border collie Issabella has been diagnosed with diabetes and today we gave her the first insulin injection. 

Our main concern after her well being is the cost of this illness and it's treatment . At the present time it's costing £60 approx per two weeks for syringes and insulin ,never mind vets fees blood tests etc any advice on how we could save on the cost would be greatly appreciated"

Various members posted advice, much of it dross. A dog, like us, are carnivores, the canine teeth are a give away. Feed your dog meat and fat, not high carb cheap pets foods, if you want it to stay strong and healthy. Dogs like us, did not evolve on a diet of sugar and starch, FACT !

Check it out here.



  1. Just as important when buying dog or cat food to check the label to see what you are buying and feeding your beloved pooch :)

  2. This is so tragic because people are feeding their animals the same crap they are eating. My (indoor) cats are both 9 years old, in perfect health, have never been to a vet, are very even tempered and loving and are very happy with me. They do not get any cheap, grain filled foods. It costs more but not having to pay vet or medicine bills and seeing them thrive is worth it.

  3. Who the heck thought that creating carb rich dried kibble food was a good idea for carnivorous animals? when I got my Labrador the previous owners had been feeding her on kibble and she was lethargic with a dry nose,a dull coat and loose motions-we feed her a meat only diet and we get comments on how vibrant she is and how glossy her black coat is.

    It's a no brainer really.


  4. **They do not get any cheap, grain filled foods. It costs more but not having to pay vet or medicine bills and seeing them thrive is worth it.**
    By doing this the rewards go both ways. Healthy animals and healthier wallets filled with more money.

  5. Just for your information before you all go blaming the dog owner. Dogs develop type 1 which has nothing to do with grain rich doggie food.

  6. Type 1 or Type 2 dog, cat, mouse or human. By reducing the intake of carbohydrates in a daily diet aids better control of diabetes. FULL STOP.

    Just ask Eddie.

    Anon Pet and Human Lover.

  7. " Dogs develop type 1 which has nothing to do with grain rich doggie food."
    D1 is the autoimmune condition, there is a connection between eating grains and a compromised immune response. So, if dog developed D1, it is a good possibility that the inappropriate feeding played the role. I remember how my dog got immediately cured from dermatitis and stopped scratching himself raw when we started to feed him raw met. I doubt it would cure D1 when it have been diagnosed already, but removing the not-suitable for that animal food after the diagnosis seems reasonable .


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