Saturday, 3 May 2014

One million page views The Low Carb Diabetic team marches on !

Posting links to diabetes related articles and low carb recipes and food advice. In our spare time we like to lampoon the spreaders of fear and misinformation. Welcome to the crazy world of diabetes. Here's to the next million page views. Thank you to all the people that read this blog and taken the time to comment, very much appreciated. The Low Carb Team on the march against starch.


  1. Hey, well done to all, great choice of music.


  2. Nice milestone ! Somebody loves you Vader :-)

  3. Here's to two million, keep marching on.


  4. Congratulations! I am not a diabetic but my Dad is. I have adopted the low carb lifestyle and feel twenty years younger. I have been begging him to switch from his doctor recommended diet to low carb. He has to inject insulin several times a day. He's sixty two and severely over weight. I'm losing weight and showing him how it's changed me. Trying to set a good example. What else can I do?

  5. Great achievement. This blog has helped me to better control of my Type 2 diabetes.

    I am helping you all celebrate with a slice of low carb cake.


    ( cheering loudly )

  6. A double celebration I do believe-1 million page views here and ironically the 1 year to the day anniversary of the last time Carbo posted on the Carbophile blog! wonder what happened? Must have lost his password! :-D

    "Onward keto soldiers..."


  7. Eddie, I'm sure you and the team have helped many diabetics. I will raise a glass to your million and raise another to the next million.

    Cheers and Well Done All :)

  8. WOOHOO :)

    keep going, the world needs you!

    i need you!


  9. Thank you so much for the kind words.

    Don't forget we work as a team. Graham, Kath, Janet, John,and Paul have all contributed big time.

    Graham has kept me sane for the last six years, (as far as possible) and Jan has to put up with me 24/7, the worlds toughest gig, as I am sure many would agree.


  10. "Rick Gladney said...
    Congratulations! I am not a diabetic but my Dad is. I have adopted the low carb lifestyle and feel twenty years younger. I have been begging him to switch from his doctor recommended diet to low carb. He has to inject insulin several times a day. He's sixty two and severely over weight. I'm losing weight and showing him how it's changed me. Trying to set a good example. What else can I do?"

    Hi Rick

    My Father died from type two diabetes complications he died two weeks after I was diagnosed, a physical wreck.

    Keep on and one and on at your Father, he may not live any longer, who can say, but hopefully he will be active and happy to the end. Checking out riddled with complications is no way to go.

    Good luck


  11. From all the low carb team THANK YOU ....for reading, for your comments, for your support.

    We can make a difference, if we each only pass on the message about the benefits of a LCHF lifestyle, about eating real food and not processed to one person a day and improve their health its got to be a good thing.

    Life is never perfect but we can each do our best to improve it a little for ourselves, our family and others.

    Let's do our best.

    Many thanks and as ever ......

    All the best Jan


The lowcarb team value your comments. Thank you for taking the time to contribute to our blog. Please note! negative comments and insults from anonymous idiots, with nothing to add to the debate will not be authorised. However, we welcome constructive criticism.

The best of health to you and yours.
