Thursday, 1 May 2014

There are Good People Out There …..

In this often crazy and mixed up world we find ourselves in there are many good people. The un-sung heroes very often go un-noticed as they give their time willingly to help others.
Whether you go past charity shops, or visit a local hospital there are volunteers helping out. Some local churches have a weekly Soup Run to help the homeless. It’s not only people who need helping out these days as I’ve seen animal rescue hospitals asking for dog and cat food to be donated.
Of course, if you work full time it is more difficult … are no doubt looking for 26 hours in your day just to fit family life in, let alone giving time to help others.
No matter what our situation we can perhaps still help someone. It may just be helping someone cross the road safely …or even when next out shopping you may find someone struggling to lift something down from too high a shelf …why not offer to lift it down for them. It’s the little things in life that can mean so much to people ….we all hurry getting from A to B and often thinking about what is next on our list of things to do. Only natural of course but sometimes isn’t it nice just to stop …take a deep breath …and smile. People may wonder what you’re doing but I bet they will smile too, and just for that second feel a lot better for it.
Jan looking through those rose tinted glasses again? Well maybe but as we all face different ‘pressures’  I’ve found  that by taking time out …and helping someone you can make a difference.
All the best Jan


  1. Helping other people really makes you feel good. When my church feeds the homeless it really chokes up when I see kids that are homeless. It brings tears to your eyes. If feels good to help by providing and serving a meal but you always wish you do more. Also, what do we serve them? Pizza, pasta, soda, cake, all the stuff I would not touch. Because it's cheap and easy to make and store. I have to remember that you can't worry about everything. Most of them are thankful but I wish that we could serve them better food. Helping the elderly is my personal favorite. Don't make the mistake and try to convince them bread and milk is bad for you!

  2. My local church is part of the area's food bank chain and many of us make donations of tinned foods etc which can be passed on to help families in crisis.Food is food and not all can afford the fresh which is best but some help must be given.


  3. I totally agree - helping and giving gives so much pleasure.

  4. It really makes people happier when they commit random acts of kindness during their day. So , please, selfish people, help others for a selfish reason.

  5. In many London School's and possibly other areas too breakfast clubs are being provided because so many children are going to school having had no food to eat.They are offered toast, cereals, not the healthiest start to a day but at least they are having something to eat. Families are in crisis many are having to choose whether to eat or heat. It is good there are good people who are willing to help out.

  6. just exercising your "smile muscles" makes you feel better, and smiles are contagious! :-D

  7. Smiles are contagious and they do lift spirits and give a much better feeling.


  8. When providing food for those desperately in need, I often see the argument that pasta is cheap and filling and I always wonder why the same pasta 'toppings' can't be given with lentils and the line? They are just as cheap and easily available but we have grown accustomed to seeing pasta as healthy and wonderful food. The tonnes of foo

    As for cake, why not but why we feed folk on the excuse for cake that is made in factories is beyond me.

    I have said all over the net that my grandchildren have a lower carb diet than most people in this country but they occasionally eat cake. Good quality cake made from recognisable ingredients, in small portions.

  9. Good and Bad in all of us, but good and giving is what we must do.

  10. Just stopping by to thank all of you for your comments.

    There are good people out there and a lot of them read this blog.

    Many thanks ..... and keep thinking of others and how in our small way we could just help out.

    Thanks and ....

    All the best Jan


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