If I had a £pound for everytime I read about a diabetic falling off the wagon, I would be able to send Bill Gates welfare parcels. Time after time I have read never mind dear tomorrow is another day etc. I read about diabetics who say I can’t stand vegetables, salads, fish, eggs the list is long. Now, in any sane world forum members would say, get a grip before it’s too late, or get ready to go blind or minus a couple of limbs, but usually they don’t. Other apologists and carb addicts rally round with the never minds. In my opinion this is doing no one any favours.
These days the politically correct mob are telling us it is wrong to smack a child, but is it ? I have seen a mother smack a child for running into the road, when for a split second her attention was averted, she hugged the child afterwards and sobbed, that’s love to me, and she may have taught the child a much needed lesson they would never forget. Sometimes you have to be cruel to be kind.
Diabetics need to be told the facts, highly elevated BG numbers affect every tissue in the body, the damage never stops, it never sleeps, 24/7 high BG numbers are slowly killing a diabetic. If you are 60 or 70 years of age you may want to roll the dice, but so many diabetics are in their twenties or thirties these days. They have zero chance of drawing a pension if they do not get on the case fast, and stick to a regime that works.
Ten years away may seem a very long time to a young diabetic, I can assure you as you get older the years fly by in a blink of an eye. If you are a diabetic, look on uncontrolled diabetes as your mortal enemy, for that is what it is.
If doctors, diabetes educators and dietitians actually knew about nutrition and the direct impact it has on diabetes, then maybe diabetics would have some chance of good health. I had to do my own research to find this out. I know many type 2's who have been told they can eat whatever they want and just take medication and it will be ok. They are also told that blood glucose levels which are actually high, are normal. It is so frustrating every time I read or hear that wholegrains are healthy!It's such a lie.