"Is this what you were referring to when you said you were too busy to look at the gluten study I shared? You're too busy circle jerking with your favorite commenters and ganging up on a girl and all but accusing her of psychosis when she remained calm for the entire discussion? I don't understand why you repeatedly called her entitled when you're the one who's seen frequently using language relating to what you do and don't deserve and what you don't have to put up with, as well as the LOL CONSTANT EMPHASIS!. Is she the one who's truly unbalanced in this discussion? I'm not going to diagnose you with anything, nor your commenters, though I await their expert psychoanalysis on me. Spend your time however you want, that's your right, but as much as you like to claim this blog is about science, the most activity it ever sees is on these posts that rarely amount to anything more than "lol low carbers are dumb". Is this the conversation to which we're all expected to give a rational contribution?
We get it, Gary Taubes is wrong, low carbers are dumb and it's all hilarious, but what happened to Pepper here was a damn shame and the behavior displayed by all was not becoming of any mature adult, in my opinion. I'm sure you'll deny that you're naturally combative for no particular reason, but perhaps you would be able to have more reasonable conversations with people with whom you disagree if you stop acting like any sort of disagreement is a personal attack or a waste of your time.
By the way, because I know you're going to jump on it, no, I'm not asking you to stop everything just to give your take on the gluten study. Just pointing out that you seem to have endless free time to mock and demean people; I wonder how you find the time to discuss anything important."
Just went and read. Read her say this to Pepper (few days back, who knows, since I don't have her on my blogroll):
ReplyDelete"I'm going to politely ask you to leave if you have nothing to contribute to the conversation. Alternately you can take the time to find a post in which your diatribes might fit."
So in other words, unless someone is there at her blog to circle jerk with her, leave.
Good to know. Reinforces why I don't normally waste an iota of my breath or time on her drivel. LOL
I stopped reading the comments there after the second day when I noticed she posted something in reference to the Bulletproof Coffee I drink. I'm not going to rehash it, I have more important things to write about, namely attempting to give inspiration and encouragement to others.