Tuesday 3 June 2014

Lymington bound !

In six months time I will retire. I intend to do some work, but no more than a couple of months of the year. We have always loved Lymington. On the coast and a beautiful village/town and place. Great Pubs and Restaurants. Close to some of our kids and family. Wish us luck, check this place out. A man could do worse than finish his days here.  That's the dream. Lymington can be found here, Eddie


  1. I'm jealous! I have 3 years, 3 months, 1 week, and five days left.

    But who's counting? ;)

  2. What a beautiful place, and what is very important - close to your kids! I definitely wish you and Jan luck there.

  3. Three of our kids and two grandchildren live less than five miles from Lymington. We will keep our place in London, close to two our other kids, one son lives around two hundred miles away in Lancaster. We see him and have a holiday in the Lake District. Tough life eh !



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