Sunday, 22 June 2014

Most dietary information, pushed by most healthcare professionals, is complete and utter bollocks !

The first thing you have to understand, is the fact most dietary information, pushed by most healthcare professionals, is complete and utter bollocks. The straight thinking diabetic, with a reasonable quantity of functioning grey matter, the sort of person that realises we are conned and lied to 24/7 by junk food, pharmaceutical companies and so called scientists on the payola treadmill, quickly saw through the avarice, lies and greed.

Over six years ago, our blog crew and many of the well controlled diabetics we know, realized demonising saturated fats from whole food sources was totally ridiculous. Even more ludicrous was the fact us diabetics were and are still being told to base our meals on starch/sugar. Our good news stories were dismissed as anecdotal and worthless by well known medics and dietitians, how wrong they were and how times have changed.

Every day more medical professionals and straight thinkers are telling us butter is a safe food and does not cause heart disease. Sugar is now rated alongside cigarettes as a major health hazard, and for sugar read starch. Have you noticed how Unilever are telling us, in their adverts around the clock, butter is in their products such as ‘Gold’ and ‘Bertolli’ For decades Unilever have been telling us Flora was a good health product, more total bollocks.

“The fate of a nation depends on the way that they eat.”

Jean Anthelme Brillat-Savarin 1755--1826

"Let your food be your medicine, and your medicine be your food." Hippocrates.

Over two thousand years ago those words were uttered by the Father of medicine, they stand good today. Never has the food we eat had greater influence over our lives, yet so many believe drugs and quick fixes will save them from the epidemics of obesity and the often linked type two diabetes, they won’t, this has been proved.


Bollocks a highly flexible term commonly used by the English.

1. something rubbish
2. a falsehood or series of lies
3. something great
4. the best possible
5. testicles
6. exclamation on making a error.

1. That Mel Gibson movie was a load of bollocks.
2. That Tony Blair is talking bollocks.
3. That curry was the bollocks!
4. That your wife is the dog's bollocks when it comes to cooking!
5. Then she kicked him in the bollocks.
6. Bollocks!


  1. :-D this article is Eddie at his best -- must have had a wonderful vacation!

  2. Thanks Tess

    I have been decidedly lacklustre for too long, back to kicking butt methinks.


  3. Bollocks, that is so British. But I agree, so much of mainstream dietary advice for diabetes is utter bollocks (or a load of crap as we say in Australia)


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