Thursday 10 July 2014

Big fat buttery silence: Irving T. Gilson

The June 23 cover of Time magazine displays an artistic swirl of butter captioned, “Scientists labeled fat the enemy. Why they were wrong.”

In the accompanying article, Bryan Walsh lends support to the arguments contained in the recent best-seller “Big Fat Surprise” by Nina Teicholz. In her carefully researched and highly readable book, she details major flaws in the evidence presented by those who have been advocating a low-fat diet to reduce heart disease and obesity for the past 30 years.

She also reports that as Americans jumped on the low-fat bandwagon, they increased their intake of carbohydrates — an unintended consequence resulting in our present epidemics of obesity and diabetes. In addition, it should be noted that going “low-fat” during the past three decades has had no effect on the incidence of cardiovascular disease.

Supported by overwhelming research, but to the chagrin of the pharmaceutical and food manufacturers, we are now in the midst of a low-carbohydrate revolution. Analogous to Thomas Paine’s “Common Sense,” which helped inspire the American Revolution, its manifesto was a New York Times Magazine article by Gary Taubes in 2002 headlined, “What If It’s All Been a Big Fat Lie?”

Since then, a continuing flow of clinical research studies have consistently confirmed the benefits of low-carbohydrate diets with respect to weight loss and cardiac risk factors, while negating the demonization of saturated fat. If you are obese, a low-carb diet can help you lose. If you’re diabetic, it may reduce your reliance on expensive medication. If you’re hypertensive, it can lower your blood pressure. If you are at risk for a coronary, it can raise your good cholesterol (HDL) and significantly lower your triglycerides. In short, it can reduce one’s risk of a heart attack or stroke. Bottom line: the demon is the sugar — not the fat!

To describe the reaction of the nutrition and medical communities to the low carbohydrate paradigm as cool would be a gross understatement. Where there should be at least meaningful dialogue, there is silence. This is not without significance or implication, since patients being discharged from hospitals following a heart attack may still be instructed to follow a “cardiac diet.” This might be the same low fat diet that may well have contributed to their hospitalization to begin with.

While deafening, the silence is understandable. Low-cholesterol, low-saturated fat recommendations by dietitians invariably conform to nutritional guidelines prepared by expert panels of respected organizations such as the American Heart, Diabetes, and Dietetic Associations. In our litigious society and possibly enmeshed in the intellectually stifling atmosphere of some organizations, staying within the guidelines — their appropriateness notwithstanding — is comfortable and safe. There is an old medical school adage: Be neither the first to initiate a new treatment, nor the last.

Physicians may be less constrained by dietary guidelines. But having been under constant siege by drug companies promoting their products (e.g., statin drugs), many doctors — and, indeed, many patients — have become pharmaceutically oriented and nutritionally apathetic. After all, it’s only food ... .

Then there’s just plain human nature and its inherent tendency to seek permanence and consistency in our beliefs and perceptions. For example, if one has been teaching that high-fat diets can lead to heart attacks for 30 years but then finds that this may not be true, or that, indeed, more fat and less carbohydrate in the diet may be beneficial to one’s health and longevity, feelings of discomfort can result. Subconscious mechanisms may then keep enduring convictions firmly in place for extended periods of time, despite evidence to the contrary.

In Rhode Island, we have an opportunity to play a leadership role in establishing evidence-based guidelines that encompass a new dietary paradigm, one that can bring major benefits to those afflicted with obesity, diabetes or cardiovascular disease. In the Rhode Island branches of the Heart, Diabetes and Dietetic Associations, and within our hospitals and the Warren Alpert School of Medicine at Brown University, let there be honest debate and careful review of the evidence in order to accomplish this goal.

Worth noting: In 2013, Sweden became the first Western nation to recommend a lower-carbohydrate, higher-fat diet as part of an effort to reduce the national prevalence of obesity and diabetes and to improve markers of heart health. This bold move was based on a literature review of 16,000 studies on diet and obesity in a report published by the Swedish Council on Health Technology Assessment.

Let’s break the silence.




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  3. I have some doubts about application of that turning around. It is possible most people will stop fearing fat and continue consuming same amount of carbohydrates and eating every two hours. Modern model of food consumption is very unhealthy.

  4. Great article, Graham.
    A heads-up to those who didn't get round to viewing Cereal Killers whilst it was available free online. Someone has posted it on YouTube as well as the one hour Tim Noakes interview.
    Is it just me or are all the low-fat proponents miserable and sanctimonious ******** (Geoff means people - ed.)while the low-carb supporters come across as nice people ?

    Geoff J

  5. This is in the news today;

    Essentially saying that people with a BMI of + 30 should have gastric bypass surgery to reduce their weight.

    Well, this is astonishing really and is the clearest example of cognitive dissonance out there.

    We have been told how to eat healthily since 1980 (which is low fat lots of grains) and told it's really important to exercise, and we have had an obesity epidemic as gyms open on every corner but rather than say 'the advice we give must be wrong' the response is to say; keep doing what we say and let's cut out your bowels to help you on the way.


    As an aside, I just got my recent HbA1c - 6.2% which is purely down to me ignoring what I've been told about diet and in my next appointment they will try to get me to raise it and suggest that I reduce my fat consumption as my total cholesterol has gone up.

    If I manage to drop it again under 6% they will freak out.

    What do you do when you are a passenger of a bus with idiots at the wheel?



  6. Have read the link in the first comment and it seems that Sweden has not adopted your diet of choice?

  7. "Sweden has not adopted your diet of choice"

    My diet of choice is fresh vegetables, high quality protein and healthy natural fats, as posted on this blog.

    What is your diet ?, junk food and take aways, covered by ever increasing drugs.

    Please try harder if you want to wind me up gutless anon.


  8. "Sweden has not adopted your diet of choice"

    My diet of choice is fresh vegetables, high quality protein and healthy natural fats, as posted on this blog.

    What is your diet ?, junk food and take aways, covered by ever increasing drugs.

    Please try harder if you want to wind me up gutless anon.


    What a snotty reply.
    The link in the first comment says Sweden has not adopted a low carb diet. Why you take umbrage at that is beyond me. You need some chill pills.

  9. "Sweden is the only country with two official “LCHF Nutritionist” education programs!"


The lowcarb team value your comments. Thank you for taking the time to contribute to our blog. Please note! negative comments and insults from anonymous idiots, with nothing to add to the debate will not be authorised. However, we welcome constructive criticism.

The best of health to you and yours.
