Tuesday, 29 July 2014

British Dietetics Association luvs BelVita biscuits !

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When I first saw the photograph above, I thought it was taken at a BDA meeting, then I thought no, surely not, the people look far too slim to be BDA dietitians. The sharp eyed will notice the BelVita biscuit pack on the plate. BDA dietitians love BelVita biscuits.

As posted on this blog in the past.

"Last weekend the Food and Drink Team took Belvita Breakfast to BDA Live, the annual British Dietetics Association conference. As headline sponsor the team was on hand to help keep the dietitians going all morning. Whether they visited the breakfast bar or attended the breakfast workshops they had the opportunity to hear about the science and nutrition behind the brand. The conference was a great success with 82% of dietitians agreeing Belvita Breakfast is a good option for breakfast and 71% admitting we had changed their previous perception." As posted here.

BelVita sponsor the BDA. Perish the thought that money and freebies could turn their heads. Photo from a BDA dietitian tweeting here.


Post edit. "I have just blocked someone who has harrased me in the past!" I see your spelling has not improved Chris LOL

Chris can you remember how you used to harass me and many other low carbers at the DCUK forum when you posted as Ally5555. 

From Dr Katharine Morrison a mod in those days.

"I have yet to see a post from you which is written with the aim of helping someone get better control of their diabetes or improve their nutritional state. So far I have simply seen one post after another of the "Do not try this at home variety." None of your negative comments regarding low carbing have been substantiated by scientific evidence. I am patiently waiting for your scientifically based expose of the errors of Dr Bernstein's method and Gary Taubes collection of evidence. All we have got so far is personal opinion."

Your twitter comment was a bit rich don't you think ?

Read the full thread here.


  1. Had a hard time finding nutrition information for the bikkies on their (belvita) website - had to go to another site to see the horrible profile of sweet f all protein, canola oil and loads of sugar. I s'pose it's only a matter of time before we seem them in Aust.

    Is the 90%+ female dietitian proportion in that photo indicative of the wider profession?


  2. Most are women I reckon and more than a few are well upholstered to say the least. If they practise what they preach ie. starchy carbs with every meal, what can you expect.


  3. Spittin'chips said...

    Had a hard time finding nutrition information for the bikkies on their (belvita) website - had to go to another site to see the horrible profile of sweet f all protein, canola oil and loads of sugar. I s'pose it's only a matter of time before we seem them in Aust.

    I got this from a blog "BDA sugar isn't bad for you", the link he refers to in his post has since been removed by the BDA.


  4. "the link he refers to in his post has since been removed by the BDA"

    The BDA make a habit of removing articles from their site that exposes the lack of knowledge and down right lunacy at times. What can you expect when their 'stars' are clueless as Dr. Briffa has exposed on many occasions.


  5. Some of the lines from the BDA about sugar sound familiar - I'm pretty sure I've read them on the Aust Heart Foundation site.

    Comforting to know our experts are just as stupid as yours.



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