Sunday 13 July 2014

DCUK Bonkers at his most barking best !

"Err no but that is exactly what writters who write diet books for profit like Gary Taubes and Barry Groves do, Ancel Keys was a scientist who didnt cherry pick anything and all his research was peer reviewed.

I apologise for the doctorate statement that was of course the notorious (not a doctor) Barry Groves not Gary Taubes at all so please forgive me as these scurrilous diet gurus all merge into one after 6 years of good control whilst eating carbs with most meals. There is little between them all these money driven diet gurus, out to make money from insecure, overweight and or diabetic people who are struggling to control their weight and bg levels and susceptible to this sort of disgusting rubbish.

Oddly I see hardly any low carbers who were posting here when I joined who are still active posters, why do you think that might be? Smoke and mirrors perhaps.

Thats it from me folks.

I would urge everyone to do their own research before setting out on any diet that they will need to be on for the rest of their lives, and if anyone knows of such a diet please share it because I dont believe one exists other than eating less food. There and Ive told you that for free, no need to buy a book at all."

Sid don't tell us you are doing the off again, as always you get your facts wrong, I bet those butt cheeks are clamped tighter than a vice. Clearly your therapy is going nowhere. Cut back on all the junk you eat (your Moussaka recipe is great) but the chocolates, toast and cornflakes are addling your brain lad. Do you think you could post every day ? The rant above must have many more members considering a low carb diet, look what your portion control of junk processed food has done for you. Newbies may have much to learn, but they can spot a complete nutter from a long way off. Cut back on all those med's mate and find a new diet before it too late.


This way to Sid's mental meltdown here.

PS Pipp 962 posts 1099 likes, Sid 3468 posts likes 109 all from Noblyhead, Catherinecherub and Phoenix probably. Kind of says it all don't you think.


  1. Most of Sid's posts were made before the "LIKE" system came into play.
    Look at Andy12345 "LIKES". He only has to fart, sneeze or say hi to a new member and he gets one. from the LC brigade
    I wonder how many you would gain if you were not banned?
    Sid may not be your best friend but I doubt he really cares what a zealot like you has to say. You burned your bridges on DCUK but you are still licking your wounds.
    Grow up.

  2. Yep "S*d W*nkers" is back at his rabid worst!

  3. "Sid may not be your best friend but I doubt he really cares what a zealot like you has to say."

    Sid is not my best friend, but what merriment his lunacy has brought to the forum over the years. Fortunately he is so drug addled and batshit even the dim bulbs on the forum saw through him years ago.

    Zealot moi ! too right and proud of it !


  4. "Yep "S*d W*nkers" is back at his rabid worst!"

    Sid is so wound up and inactive, I doubt he has a good wank left in him.


  5. "Thats it from me folks.I would urge everyone to do their own research before setting out on any diet that they will need to be on for the rest of their lives, and if anyone knows of such a diet please share it because I dont believe one exists other than eating less food."

    That's pretty clear then Sid is advocating a calorie restricted diet for the rest of our lives.

  6. I'm beginning to get worried about Sid he seems to be losing control of his faculties, the memory lapses are
    apparent in his posts could it be be early signs of dementia.


  7. "I wonder how many you would gain if you were not banned?"

    The last name I used that was outed on the forum of flog was Fatbird. 264 posts and 113 likes. More than Sid's 109 ha ha.

    Next question my anon chump.


  8. Bonkers said...

    Oddly I see hardly any low carbers who were posting here when I joined who are still active posters, why do you think that might be? Smoke and mirrors perhaps.

    Oddly Sid seems to have forgotten that many LowCarbers were banned thanks to the collusion of the clique with the corrupt mod cugila.

    What Sid also forgets to mention is what happened to the anti lowcarbers who were active forum members when he joined, just why do you think that might be Sid? Smoke and mirrors perhaps.

    Lets look at the facts, of the anti's there are only two T2s remaining the completely Bonkers one and the duplicitous cherub, Sid is obviously oblivious of Hana and IanD two LowCarbers still actively posting.

    Of the insulin dependent T1s the antis have a slight advantage they have that lying weasel nobblyhead and phoenix pharmaceuticals whilst we LowCarbers have Dillinger.

    So just were are the LowCarbers now? Of course Eddie and I are on this blog regularly, John our statistician and good friend has decided to study for yet another degree so will not be contributing for a while. Then we have Ray Davies who pops in now and then and not forgetting the beautiful and slim Libby with her non diabetic A1c, on top of this there are other long term LowCarbers who we are in touch with and not forgetting the Facebook group.


  9. Hold on, hold on; Dr Bonkers may have hit upon new metabolic process. He says " I can tell you that I dont increase the amount of fat I eat is that what makes your bg levels rise perhaps?"

    Yes, according to the good Doctor's startling hypothesis eating fat is the cause of blood glucose elevation.

    If only we'd known about that we could have all saved ourselves a lot of bother.



  10. Hi Al

    Bonkers is the best comedian the forum ever had, I wish he posted more often. His MO these days is to come on to the forum, make a complete pratt of himself and disappear for a month or so.

    He and the antis have talked complete bollocks for six years, and now they know they have wasted their time. They lost big time and they know it, but they can't accept it on the forum.

    It always been their forum, that's the way they see it.


  11. Is this post from Pipp worth a like?
    Anyone who thinks it is needs to see a shrink.

  12. Anonymous said...

    You must be suffering from memory lapse Graham or you are attempting to rewrite history.

    No memory lapse here sunshine the comment was factually correct.

    Silly old fool.

    Yes and you really need to cut back on the clown juice sweetie.

    Warm regards


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