Saturday 26 July 2014

Don’t blame me blame Zoe Harcombe !

Last weekend I was exchanging a few emails back and forth with Zoe. I know what you're thinking, Zoe actually communicates with and old reprobate and renegade like you, yes she does, she’s one tough lady. Anyway Zoe asked me what my twitter address was, I replied good grief I have enough to do without joining another outfit.

Well, Zoe got me thinking, and as stated in a post below I joined up. I should have done it years ago, great information from many of the people I am following. I recommend it highly, so refreshing to be in a forum type situation surrounded by low carbers, laymen and medical professionals, all singing from the low carb hymn sheet.

I’ll give it a week or so and start injecting a bit of villainy into the joint, you know me, I intend to keep upsetting all the right people. BTW my old friend the ex resident dietitian is on board, ‘what larks’ as my old friend Dillinger would say.

Have a great weekend folks.

This way to the fun factory



  1. I say stir the pot a little - why be boring?

  2. With your track record it wont take long before you are suspended.

  3. Maybe, but I will go down fighting.


  4. Anonymous said...

    With your track record it wont take long before you are suspended

    From what Iv'e seen on twitter I very much doubt that.

    We will still soldier on annoying all the right idiots no matter what, we have facebook accounts, and our other blogs lying dormant and of course the web site.


  5. Judi O said...

    I say stir the pot a little - why be boring?

    What do you mean by a little Judi? we don't do little.


  6. And that's why I like to pop in here, because you don't do little and it's never boring...

  7. Oh I expext everyone is worried sick - twitter will not tolerate your tirades of filth about people.

    I am sure you need help - maybe that is why this place is quiet sensible people see through the muck you write.

    As for ZH she has had to be more careful - the ASA told her off!!

  8. "tirades of filth about people"

    There are around 4000 posts on this blog, show me one that has "tirades of filth" about anyone.

    Get some professional help fast, you are clearly deranged and a danger to yourself and the general public I reckon.


  9. The abuse - particularly about people you do not know!

    You write some awful things about people you do not even know and those who think that is fine are as bad as you.

    You can tell when Jan has written something - written very well.

    I don't think I need help - you need to live and let live!!

    It is a bit sad really.

  10. Anon what happened to the "tirades of filth about people" you were telling porkies yes. Who are these people I write "awful things about" ?

    Do you mean corrupt mods, idiotic low carb antis, forum liars and dietitians that are on the junk food payroll, or hang around on forums spreading misinformation, fear and lies ?


  11. You know Eddie you just ignore everything - just because some one has an opposing view , maybe like noblehead you write some vile things about him. Th funny thing is your portrayal as an expert - but the Zoe Harcombe claims that as well - ha ha!

    You do not know these people and who knows if the LC diabetics are even telling the truth.

    I do find this very amusing - look back at your blog for a reminder!

    For a man of later years you need to grow up a little.

  12. “You know Eddie you just ignore everything - just because some one has an opposing view , maybe like noblehead you write some vile things about him. Th funny thing is your portrayal as an expert - but the Zoe Harcombe claims that as well - ha ha!”

    Noblehead has proved himself to be a duplicitous liar Fact. I am no expert, but I have helped many people to the safe control of their diabetes, I believe Zoe is an expert and has helped countless people to better health.

    “You do not know these people and who knows if the LC diabetics are even telling the truth”

    Ah but I do know these people, we have extensive files on the naysayers, liars and misinformation merchants. I meet many low carbers I have known for years, and they are telling the truth. Why would they lie, all the science backs up what we have been saying for years.

    “I do find this very amusing - look back at your blog for a reminder!”

    I am chuffed you find it amusing, I certainly do.

    “For a man of later years you need to grow up a little.”

    Later years, I am in my prime, never felt better, with all my faculties intact, including my todger. GOOD GRIEF more FILTH Ha Ha.

    In all seriousness Anon, what chance do you think you stand against me ? I am a small fish in a big pond, you are still at the single cell stage. I reckon I know who you are, I would have some respect for you if you posted under your anonymous forum name, but I have found all the negative low lifes are anonymous.

    BTW Have you seen how many Doctors and healthcare professionals are following me on twitter, great init.


  13. Anonymous said...
    You know Eddie you just ignore everything - just because some one has an opposing view , maybe like noblehead you write some vile things about him

    If you want to see real vile things on a blog check out Carbophile/tubolards blog, the likes of phoenix, jopar, bonkers the cherub,cugila and not forgetting that idiot dietician Ally5555 AKA Christine Cashin were all linked to carbo by being members of his failed forum and many contributed to his blog.

    AS for nobblyhead he's just a lying weasel and that's a fact
    backed up by evidence.

    Love and hugs

  14. Ah the lovely Graham for another older gent you have such lovely manners but also forget the horrible abuse of fellow diabetics.

    Do tell what is carbophile?

  15. "Do tell what is carbophile?"

    The question should be who is Carbophile. You know it was a blog because you was a regular commenter.

    You like to use the word VILE a lot that was you over at Carbo's cesspit and VILE was your nature. I have told you before, your posts at DCUK, Carbo's cesspit and here, use the word VILE fat too often.

    You gave yourself away a long time ago.

    Have you ever wondered why we authorise your excrement, think about it.


  16. Anonymous said...

    Ah the lovely Graham for another older gent you have such lovely manners but also forget the horrible abuse of fellow diabetics.

    Ah how sweet of you mentioning my lovely manners. Actually I haven't forgotten the horrible abuse meted out by those vile anonymous diabetics who posted on the carbophile blog

    Do tell what is carbophile?

    Carbophile AKA tubolard was mod and one of the anti's over at DCUK, who started a drama queen thread to announce he was leaving to start his own forum (diabetes for life) followed by the usual suspects including Sid Bonkers, catherinecherub, jopar, phoenix,ally5555 and many more. Then when he saw his forum was sinking fast he left to start his carbophile blog and again the usual suspects (as above) followed him some posting anonymous vile comments.

    Hope that answers your question.



The lowcarb team value your comments. Thank you for taking the time to contribute to our blog. Please note! negative comments and insults from anonymous idiots, with nothing to add to the debate will not be authorised. However, we welcome constructive criticism.

The best of health to you and yours.
