Saturday, 19 July 2014

Lobster and Prawn Thermidor

For us, lobster is not an every day food but one that is kept for a special occasion. I saw this lovely recipe in an Asda magazine and thought it worth sharing.

I agree with what they say "the sweet succulence of lobster works well with the king prawns, and a glorious tangy sauce in this classic dish - topped with a crisp Parmesan crumb."

These ingredients serves four but the cost per serving is approx £5-00, so not cheap, but oh the taste.

2 (Asda) frozen whole lobsters, thawed.
180g cooked king prawns
1 large shallot, chopped
20g butter
100ml white wine
1/2 level teaspoon Dijon Mustard
2 level teaspoons cornflour
150ml full fat milk
2 tablespoons chopped curly parsley
25g breadcrumbs
25g Parmesan, grated
Lemon Wedges serve


1. Halve the lobsters and remove the meat, discarding the stomach pouch and intestine vein. Return the meat to the lobster shells and add the prawns.
2. Cook the shallot in the butter in a pan until soft but not coloured. Add the wine,mustard and four tablespoons of water. Simmer fast for five minutes, until reduced by a third. Season.
3. Blend the cornflour with a splash of milk, then add to the pan with the rest of the milk. Bring to the boil, stirring, and simmer for two minutes. Stir in the parsley and spoon over the lobsters.
4. Preheat the grill. Mix the breadcrumbs with the Parmesan. Sprinkle on the lobsters and grill until hot. Serve with lemon wedges.

As the saying goes ....'Spoil Yourself, You're Worth It'

Bon Appetit

All the best Jan


  1. If I bring the low carb strawberry cake, can I come for lunch? This is good food.

    Doug ( laughing out loud )

  2. Hi Doug

    Thanks for your comment.
    Low Carb Cake and the lobster and prawn thermidor sure sounds good food to me.

    All the best Jan

  3. This looks wonderful. I saw those lobster tails over at Costco. I must try to make this soon.


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