Friday 11 July 2014

Sid Bonkers gone but not forgotten !

Anyone who ever had a look at the DCUK forum will remember Sid Bonkers. Sid tried very hard to kick to death the low carb high fat lifestyle. Sid was into portion control. Never cut back on a man's portions, it usually ends in tears, when he goes looking for a good portion, elsewhere, ya folla! Groan!

Anyway, Sid has done a Captain Oates from the forum, but in a fit of common-sense he posted this low carb masterpiece some time ago. I have linked to this beauty more than once, I never posted Sid's pic or recipe, I didn't want Sid setting his copywrite dogs on me. But, as Sid has disappeared into the ether, I reckon I can get away with this post. Eddie


2 Aubergines 
Olive oil
1 Onion, chopped
2 cloves garlic, crushed
500g lean (best) minced lamb 
1/2 Packet of Passata - could substitute fresh toms
Pinch of Cinnamon powder
Pinch of Cumin powder
1 Glass of Red wine
150ml Chicken stock
200ml White sauce
2 Eggs
Pinch of Nutmeg 
180g Grated Cheese - Half Mozzarella, half Cheddar - Cheat Use 200g 'Grated Pizza Cheese' From Tesco :thumbup: 
2 tbsp Fresh Mint, chopped
Freshly ground Black Pepper

1. Preheat oven to Gas 5
2. Slice Aubergines and fry them on both sides in a large frying pan with a little olive oil. Drain on kitchen paper and place to one side.
3. Using the same pan add a little more olive oil and fry the onions and garlic for about 5 mins.
4. Turn up the heat an add the minced lamb and brown it off, then add the Passata a pinch of cumin and a pinch of cinnamon add the red wine and cook on the hob whilst stirring until well mixed, then add the chopped mint and slowly stir in the stock bit by bit.
4. Layer the Aubergines and lamb mix in an oven proof dish using several layers ending with a layer of Aubergines.
5. Combine the white sauce with the eggs, nutmeg and seasoning and spoon over the top of the mince and then scatter with the grated cheese until well covered.
6. Bake in the oven 20-25 minutes to colour the cheese and cook through.
7. Open the Retsina and serve with the Moussaka add a fresh salad if you wish.


  1. looks good! just a reminder that you CAN get good info from a questionable source. ;-)

  2. Looks beautiful! I would add there a layer of roasted red peppers, and there are a lot of variations come to mind.


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