Thursday 3 July 2014

The State of the Economy … what does it mean?

A friend of mine almost shouted at me “it’s alright for the rich they are getting richer it’s us ordinary folk who are suffering”.

Well I had to bite my tongue - she had just returned from a lovely two week holiday in ‘The Algarve’ had already booked a week’s Autumn break to Greece but was feeling hard done by because she could only afford a weeks holiday in the Autumn! Her nails were in a dreadful state and she couldn’t wait to get to the manicurist! I ask you - one man or woman’s poverty, or idea of ‘being hard done by’ are of course so different.

I have been fortunate during my 60+ years. When growing up, into my teens, my early twenties through my working life and into family life, yes it had it’s ups and downs wouldn’t be life without them. We learn how to cope, deal with ..enjoy the good times, the laughter and cherish the memories.

In Britain, as in other countries, is NOW a good time, are we healthier, wealthier and wiser? Not always, in fact for many 2014 is not a good time at all. Wars, famines, natural disasters bring misery to many. What can ‘the ordinary person’ do? Well, many of us donate to charities, donate our time to help those not as fortunate as ourselves. Many of us ‘blog’ and pass on our experiences of a healthier and fitter way of life. Each of us in our small way do our best …..some of course are not so fortunate.

They may not have a warm home, with a good meal to look forward to. I could mention the benefits of living the low carb high fat lifestyle but when you may be wondering “Where is my next meal coming from” that is probably the last thing you want to hear.

Instead they may prefer to know of some ‘Modern Day Robin Hoods, who take from the Bins to Feed those in Need’ and do a pretty good job of it.
Read all about it here - and good luck to them.

Let us all do our best to think of those not as fortunate.

The State of the Economy … what does it mean?

As ever … thanks for reading

All the best Jan

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