Monday 7 July 2014

US Citizens the largest nation of human guinea pigs in the world !

The $64000 question, why do Americans allow Monsanto to poison their food. Over 70% of US food contains genetically modified ingredients. Genetically modified plants are negatively effecting plants, animals and human beings, FACT ! Standby for a video Graham is posting up tonight. The video lasts close on two hours and is a must watch expose of the level of corruption, fraud and out and out lies Monsanto is using to poison the entire planet. Here is a short video as a starter.

There has never been any trials on the effects of genetically modified foods on human beings FULL STOP !



  1. I think I can tell you why we "let it happen" -- we're poisoned on a monstrous scale. They put fluoride in our tap-water, which helps to make us more "tame" (the Nazis of Germany contemplated doing this to their own people back in the bad ol' days). They bombard us with nutrition advice designed to make us eat more of the fungible commodities our tax dollars subsidize, and make their Big Ag cronies rich ... and coincidentally give us GrainBrain. The "news" we receive from the monopolists is designed to encourage our paranoia at the same time as make us distrust "government" to help in any way. But mostly, these huge corporations have poured SO MUCH money into the political process that what we have is no longer a democratically-designed republic -- it's an oligarchy, a corporatocracy. The Supreme Court JUST went over our heads to give more power to Business and take it away from the rest of us, and THERE'S NOTHING WE CAN DO ABOUT IT. The only tool we have is voting -- and we have some real dumb shits over here that think that the politicians that claim to be for "small government" are actually telling the truth. NO. "Small government" to the right-wing-nuts is only smaller when it comes to regulating business, NOT when it comes to regulating the populace.

    DEPRESSING ... but damned if i'll take their antidepressants!

  2. Hi Tess

    Much the same in the UK. A Government controlled almost 100% by multinational corporations, that have polluted and tainted every part of our society.

    90% of UK residents either don't know or don't care. Around 5% of people do care and try to do something about it, if only to tell others via web sites and blogs. The other 5% are in on the great con.

    Most of this will not effect me or many of my generation. It is our children and grand children we fear for.

    Regards Eddie


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