Sunday 27 July 2014

We knew how to reverse type two diabetes in 1917 when did it all go wrong?

Diabetes is now a run away train. It’s out of control, around the world hundreds of millions of people have joined the club, no one wants to join. The epidemics of type two diabetes and it’s often linked obesity are going to get far worse the experts tell us. Big pharma knows this, big pharma can hear the big cash register ringing. My opinion on big pharma and many of it’s drugs is well known. Many have proved to be useless and others banned for killing people. There was a time when no drugs were available for the control of diabetes, and many type two diabetics lived long and active lives. Many feel Dr. Atkins was the start of the lowcarb diet, but lowcarbing for improved health goes back to the days of William Banting.
The link below will take you to a free of charge read on line digitalized book, on the best diet for diabetics before big pharma loaded the dice, and diet and exercise kept people healthy and in control of their diabetes. I urge you to take a look. I have left the book open at pages 12 and 13, foods of great value and foods to avoid. Many will not be surprised to see, nothing has changed in almost a hundred years, in the best way to control diabetes. Diet and exercise and nil/minimal medication.
Check this link out, a fantastic read and well worth your time.
Diabetic Cookery Recipes And Menus by Rebecca W Oppenheimer printed 1917
Kind regards Eddie


  1. "We'll be having the cake recipes next."

    Great idea, I will post up in the morning. Thank you for your interest in our blog. Come back any-time.


  2. If this low carb lark is so marvellous then why do we keep reading about the guilt trips and falling off the wagon?
    I thought that the way you describe it means that you are so satisfied with what you eat that you do not crave things that will scupper your eating plan?
    Any ideas?

  3. Anonymous said...

    You seem to be going round in circles.

    True, ever increasing LowCarb circles.

    As you have taken an interest in our LowCarb cake recipes try these


  4. Anonymous said...
    Any ideas?

    Yes just direct them to this blog so they can see all the recipes that have kept us on the wagon for six plus years.


  5. As for the "falling off the wagon" types - their main problem seems to be sticking to any diet and the word "diet" is very misleading when it comes to low carb. If you don't have an eating disorder (which many of the people falling of the wagon admit to having), low carb is a very easy way of eating to stick to without feelings of deprivation. Eat to your meter and concentrate on blood glucose control and hopefully the weight will take care of itself. If it doesn't then you're still ahead of the people having to consume more and more drugs to keep BG under control, even if you ever lose a pound. If eating is out of control for other reasons, then you need more than a diabetes forum to help you, IMO.

  6. You could be right Indy. There seem to be a lot of posts that could be construed as eating disorders.
    ETYM is another forum where they are always falling of the wagon. I wonder if diabetics have higher rates of eating disorders?


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The best of health to you and yours.
