Sunday, 10 August 2014

DCUK Has Son of Kman shown up ?

"I quoted Machiavelli as he is one of my favourites, but by doing so, alienated my audience as a result." New forum member. Here.

Not long after Kman, the worlds longest surviving, multiple organ failure victim, was wheeled into the sunset, it appears Son of Kman has joined, to follow in the old man's footsteps. Note the term "alienated my audience" what does he think the forum is ? the Royal Command performance at the London Palladium, and he is the main attraction ? Give me Mandrax, the forum becomes more of an extension of the comedy club by the week.

One strange phenomena I notice this week, was a mod putting in far more effort and posts than usual. What really surprised me, when this new blitzkrieg of activity took place, was the fact she had just broken her wrist. Often I hear the term, correlation does not imply causation, so I won't be trying to convince people, mods work harder with a broken wrist, but you know what I mean. One thing cannot be denied, ex mod and recently departed Mo, put in more effort than the rest put together. But hey, how many great mods have we seen walk, with not even a mention from the Management. This should not surprise, the membership is treated as mailshot fodder, and good mods are a non expense item. Great mods are hard to find, and we have seen with some of the more demented mods on the forum, very often, wanting to be a mod, should preclude someone from ever being a mod.

So, a once great diabetes forum, has descended further into the world of slapstick and good old fashioned Vaudeville Theatre, which is a great loss to the diabetic community, especially the confused, the long time out of control, and worst of all, to the newly diagnosed. As a measure of how badly things have degenerated, even Sid Bonkers has checked out, again ! If the forum plunges much deeper, the Jeremy Kyle show will soon resemble Grand Opera by comparison.

Talking of plunging deeper, that old flim-flam man duggie, aka Neptune God of the Seas is back in cracking madcap form. Even Phoenix, surprising, failed to extricate duggie from the quagmire of his own making yesterday. How quickly the High Priestess of high carb high meds, lost the plot. Good grief, in my day over there, Phoenix could produce half a dozen cut and paste jobs, regarding a bloke in a shed with 6 rats studies, before Noblehead could say, anyone want another Mars bar.

So, what will next week bring us, in the way of edification and entertainment ? One thing is for sure, it will be another week of bullshit, smoke and mirrors from the low carb anti clique. The Management has got to change things big time, for any chance of big pharma jumping into bed with them. Which is what they are seeking, according to their Sales Director, as posted here this week. It has to be said, even the conniving and corruption ridden big pharma companies, have limits, to how down market they will go, haven't they.

History has taught us, just when the DCUK Management, appear to have gone to the end of the line, in stupidity and ineptitude, they can always go that extra mile. And think on this, people pay good money for this sort of entertainment, the forum gives us rip roaring, side splitting laughs, and is just the click of a mouse away. Now that's what I call show business.

Stayed tuned, on the Q.T. and never Hush-Hush.

BTW I see Kman was the first to like this guys post. What a million to one coincidence eh. Mind you 'she' is doing better on the bullshit than with her Kman character, even Phoenix fell for it this time. 



  1. What is a newly diagnosed diabetic to make of all this? Conflicting advice from their DN's HCP's. Forums have many types of members both knowledgeable and not. In real life there are many types of different people. Life with diabetes may be extra complicated for some but it need not be. Read all you can and then make your choice. It is your health you need to make the correct choice.




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