Friday 8 August 2014

DCUK "Low carb didn't work for me" Says douglas99 aka Neptune God of the seas.

After some time away from the forum, well known bullshit artiste douglas99 is back with a vengeance. No beating about the bush, straight in with a "Low carb didn't work for me" new thread. Old duggie boy, you may remember, spent months vilifying saturated fats, at one time he was insinuating us low carbers ate blocks of lard. To cut a long story short, duggie rapidly became a poster boy for the low carb antis and carbohydrate addicted. From memory, duggie never tried a true safe low carb diet during his last anti fat campaign on the forum of flog, I can only presume he tried a low carb diet during his absence, which of course did not work for him.

So, no low carb increased fat diet for duggie. He tells us he has been eating lots of junk. "Today I’m 5.8 after (a lot) of pizza and muffins. White flour, almond flour, soya flour, chickpea flour, in varying amounts in the mix. (Birthday, so again, the diets a bit on the backburner)" and "So, a diet of Pot Noodle, Instant porridge, cup a soup, toast, maybe fruit, or fish or burger, and chips, if the van by the quayside was open wouldn’t work if my pancreas was permanently asleep until a week next Tuesday." He tells us about his lipids.

"But onto the downside as well. I stopped the statins three months ago. I have increased across the board, so I’ve been back in today to discuss it." His medic has put duggie back on statins.

Trigs up from 0.6 to 1.6
HDL steady at 1.6
LDL 3.4 to 5.1

That's a big change in lipids within a few months, but exactly what I would expect to see in a man eating junk and dumping the statins. I am sure we will have much more fun and games with duggie. I have great hope for duggie, he follows this blog avidly, I know this because he was posting this within an hour of my Neptune post last night. "I see I've rattled ‘Thick Eddie', no doubt he'll be spouting his usual tripe on why carbs can't be eaten by anyone without instant death.The normal ‘once size fits all’ NHS doesn’t work Eddie, you eat your fat, you be happy!"

Good grief, I actually agree with duggie on a point, the NHS does not work for most diabetics, the NHS audited stats prove it. So duggie, you stick with junk food and statins, and I will eat my natural fats from fresh whole foods and give the statins a miss.

The way to duggie and the forum of flog is here.


Post edit.

Douglas’s junk food diet has now got the seal of approval from phoenix pharmaceuticals.

You sound as if you are having a great time and have balanced your quality of life and your diabetes.



  1. You spend too much time on idiots Eddie. Good blog by the way.

  2. "Douglas’s junk food diet has now got the seal of approval from phoenix pharmaceuticals."

    P L E A S E tell me NO but then I'm somehow not surprised.

    DCUK needs sorting out and quickly.

  3. "Good blog by the way."

    Amen. Many agree


  4. Anonymous said..

    P L E A S E tell me NO but then I'm somehow not surprised.

    It's absolutely true, phoenix is that anti LowCarb even a diet full of junk is preferable in her eyes.

    DCUK needs sorting out and quickly.

    To far gone I'm afraid, as they are trying to attract investment from Big Pharma the likes of phoenix would improve the chances of DCUK getting the backing their looking for.


  5. 302It seems that Douglas is enjoying his life rather than let diabetes rule it and he is not relying on copious amounts of wine to see him through the boring time that you lot seem to have.

    Read the whole thread rather than one post.

  6. Anon

    His lipids have gone to pot, back on statins and eating biscuits, chips, pot noodles and lots of junk + meds, oh dear.

    Next comment please.


  7. I thoroughly enjoy my life; on less than 30g of carb a day, gorgeous food and healthier at 53 than in my thirties. I have the lipid profile of a skinny teenager and an HbA1c of 4.6

    I'm not addicted to carbs, eight stones lighter and enjoy copious amounts of excellent food that Douglas avoids.

    Tonight it's roasted beef with tarragon butter, runner beans in more butter and as my son is home and recovering from major reconstructive surgery, I have been asked for cake. Low-carb of course and completely guilt free.

    Douglas will enjoy a life for far shorter than I will!

  8. Oh, I've just realised, didn't he low-carb AND low fat? You know, the completely unsustainable diet that even he once said was boring and tasteless? Is that the right bloke?

  9. That's your man Libby, knows all the answers but knows FA.


  10. Look at the stats for diabetes results and understand that Duggie is not the only one.

    You cannot be a cape crusader Eddie and save the world as people have a right to make choices as much as you have a right to free speech

    You might get run over tomorrow or choke on your words.

  11. Look at the stats for diabetes results and understand that Duggie is not the only one.

    Agree the NHS stats are appalling !

    You cannot be a cape crusader Eddie and save the world as people have a right to make choices as much as you have a right to free speech.

    Sure every one has the right to eat junk and suffer the consequences.

    You might get run over tomorrow or choke on your words.

    True, that's why I work with a team, the team carry on after I have gone.

    Good init !


  12. I reckon Dougies total cholesterol is around 7.5 and yet they praise his diet! Normally I would not be overly worried about TC but his lipids are worrying to say the least not a place I'd want to be.

  13. Libby do you know carbsane said on her twitaccount: There's lots of evidence for keto being detrimental especially to women.

    Then again she's a frumpy obese old woman, and you of course after over six years of diabetes are a keto adapted slim and beautiful lady.


  14. carbsane twit said...

    Save your money on #KetoClarity. There's no magic there, especially for weight loss (or diabetes).

    Just goes to show how ignorant she is about diabetes, before making such outlandish statements maybe she should converse with those successfully managing diabetes using LowCarb over the long term.

    When it comes to diabetes and carbsanes knowledge we could apply the tag shes as much use as a sicking plaster on a severed artery.

    Seventh year of proving the idiots wrong.


  15. I gave up on DCUK ages ago, it really isnt worth reading anymore. Better info here. I'm still on the "unsustainable" LCHF diet, enjoying very good bg and cholestrol figures, i shan't be going back to DCUK despite the comedy act they have going on. Thommothebear

  16. Thanks for you comment Thommo

    All is not lost. Keep your eye on this blog. Good news coming soon.


  17. Eddie, could you leash Graham please, he's been hiding in my bushes with binos again.

    "Then again she's a frumpy obese old woman, and you of course after over six years of diabetes are a keto adapted slim and beautiful lady."

  18. Wiflib said..
    Eddie, could you leash Graham please, he's been hiding in my bushes with binos again.

    Libby as you well know I've been in charge of covert operations tracking the anti's, together with special agent Dick Duck we have had great success in exposing them for the hypocrites they are.

    What has this got to do with you! well in your sig at ETYM you state :"Eight stones lighter and addicted to carbs, luckily, I'm incredibly single and beautiful so that's all right then" As it's my job to check the credentials all LC friends to ensure we have not been infiltrated by the enemy I decided to check you out and I must say you do have all the attributes described in your sig !

    Well that's my story and I'm sticking by it.



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The best of health to you and yours.
