Monday 4 August 2014

DCUK That Nobblyhead is one cautious geezer !

Over at the forum of flog, a member posted a new thread regarding cheese. The member mentioned no reasons cheese could be a health problem. Nobblyhead responded.

"You can get reduced fat cheeses in the big supermarket chains, I think eaten in moderation cheese is fine but if in doubt check with your HCP's." here.

This got my warped sense of humour working overtime. Imagine Nobblyheads wife coming onto him and saying shall we have an early night Pet, not until I have double checked with my healthcare professionals. Often when I judge a man and trying to work him out, I think could I share a prison cell with that guy and stay sane. Imagine being banged up with Nervous Nige. See, there are fates far worse than death !

The fact is that Nobblyhead leaves no stone unturned in his quest for the vilification of fat. As we have seen with so many carboholics, they play that joker at every opportunity they get. It will ever be thus.


Post edit:

Quote by Nobblyhead

"As CarbsRok says it's trial & error, you could inject upfront, after eating or split the dose depending on your postprandial bg readings, I find if I have pasta in say lasagne I always need to split-dose due to the high-fat content of the meal." link

It would appear that if you choose the carboholics route and eat pasta there is no requirement to check with your HCP.



  1. you're warped mitchell pity you're not in prison with bronson

  2. I think that sharing a cell with Eddie would be unbearable.

  3. Anonymous said...
    you're warped mitchell pity you're not in prison with bronson

    If anyone's warped it's you sunshine trolling blogs anonymously is the preserve of weirdo's,I have often read of the vile abuse posted by anonymous trolls.



The lowcarb team value your comments. Thank you for taking the time to contribute to our blog. Please note! negative comments and insults from anonymous idiots, with nothing to add to the debate will not be authorised. However, we welcome constructive criticism.

The best of health to you and yours.
