Thursday, 28 August 2014

Duggies daily diary day ? plus 1

Still here peeps and still posting complete crap.

Well, what did you expect, it will take more than a semi comatose mod like Osidge to shut me up ! Keep this to yaselves but I think big Giv fancies me.

Where was I, oh yes, found a great Chinese takeway yesterday dumplings are back on the menu, gawd knows what the carb content is, but you know me, worrying about BG numbers is for wimps. Get those double numbers on ya meter, let's face it, your a long time dead.

Gotta admit those pot noodles ain't hitting the spot anymore, if I see another one this week I'll throw up. Did I tell ya I went skiing on Monday, good grief my arse is still in tatters, and my legs feel like Frankie Frazer has had the pliers on 'em. This bullshit lark is one tough gig, but at least Forge is swallowing it hook line and sinker.

Back tomorrow with more shite than you can wave a stick at.


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