Saturday 2 August 2014

Heather Rudalavage registered dietician talks utter nonsense !

"Hi, I am Heather Rudalavage with Intuitive Nutrition. I am a registered dietician, and I help people improve their energy and health by eating better every day. Well following a low-carb diet would actually cause you to lose weight, you would likely re-gain any weight that you lost once you resume a normal diet, and that is what called yo-yo dieting.

A low-carb diet is known as a crash diet because it does force you to lose weight mostly because it is low in calories, but also because it forces your body to burn muscle for fuel. As your body goes to muscle to burn fuel, the muscle breaks down and releases water. So a lot of the weight you lose is actually muscle and water weight."

Oh dear, and people wonder why I roast so many dietitians. Mind you I have seen worse, one of the regulars trotted out is "you must have carbs to fuel your brain" It is true you brain needs some glucose, this can be obtained from protein. Most who read this blog know about Gluconeogenesis hence there is no such thing as an essential carbohydrate. And as for burning your muscles away, Jeez over six years low carbing, how have I got the strength to fall out of my scratcher in the morning ?

The mind boggles BTW my bold text.


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