Thursday, 28 August 2014

Low Carb Diabetic Forum

The only dedicated low carb forum for the control of diabetes and weight loss in the UK has got off to a great start. Run by diabetics for diabetics, but all most welcome. It's early days, but already some very well known people on the UK diabetes forum and blog scene have joined up. People from as far away as Australia and the US are also posting some great information. 

Why not go over and take a look, better still join up, it's free and we have no ties to any commercial organisations. Tell us about your success with low carb in either the control of your diabetes, weight control or other health related issues, we would love to hear from you. Why not chill out in Thommo's bar and coffee shop.

Newly diagnosed especially welcome, let us help you on the road to improving your life and controlling your diabetes the natural way. Eat whole fresh foods, more drugs are not the answer.

The Low Carb Diabetic forum is here.

Join today and join a happy and helpful community, you know it makes sense, why fight it.



  1. Thanks for the plug Eddie ! We're chuffed with the progress so far. 80 members and close to 1500 posts so far. Wide variety of topics, both scientific and just fun. Still early days for us but our growth so far has been amazing !

  2. Too right Mo! It's early days indeed but when you consider that we've got 80 members in less than 2 weeks and 'Some' similar forums only managed less than 90 total members(Including the banned ones) in 3 years or so of being online-then that's not to be sniffed at I reckon! :-)


  3. Eddie and his cronies,

    That forum bias in favour of low- carb domgma.

    This “unbiased” claim you made in another post is nonsense.

    If you had called the forum something along the line of:

    "Diabetic Resource Forum UK"

    And had sections on there for non-lowcarbers. I would have been a bit metre supported of it and may have been persuaded to post on it.

    As it stands there are already well establishes Low-Carb forums and the DCUK which you berate at least caters for everyone.


    Dr Paul Jones - Carmarthen University

  4. Jona

    Join our forum and make my day !

    Every forum needs a court jester.


  5. Dr Jones...Feel free to join any time as Eddie says-ALL welcome! You'll enjoy the forum-and we'll enjoy you. :-)


  6. Dr Paul Jones said...

    And had sections on there for non-lowcarbers. I would have been a bit metre* supported of it and may have been persuaded to post on it.

    So you've joined our forum and your saying you not gong to post, what are you man or mouse come on now Jonesy squeak up.

    You need to be aware our cronies as you deign to call them have academic qualifications so treating them as inferiors as you have done in the past with Eddie and I would not be a good idea.

    Perhaps you could start with a response to Dillingers
    THE CASE FOR LOW CARBS. I'm sure with your background you could post an alternative rebuttal, please note Dillingers post contains references to peer reviewed study's.

    A little tip for you Jonesy get one of your students to proof read any posts you write, words like domgma will do nothing for your credibility as a serious contributor nor will " been a bit metre supported of it"

    Member of the March Against Starch


The lowcarb team value your comments. Thank you for taking the time to contribute to our blog. Please note! negative comments and insults from anonymous idiots, with nothing to add to the debate will not be authorised. However, we welcome constructive criticism.

The best of health to you and yours.
