Monday, 1 September 2014

Carbsane aka Evelyn Kocur aka the bloated blogger rants again !

Once again the caped crusader, the self appointed scientist, the bloated blogger is on the big soapbox. Yesterday Zoe Harcombe was on the receiving end of the font of all knowledge vicious tongue. 

"Where are Zoe Harcombe's diplomas in Nutrition from? She has never answered this question. The truth is that Zoe Harcombe has zero qualifications to be discussing this topic from a scientific point of view.
She has demonstrated time and again her lack of basic understanding of how human metabolism work. She clearly doesn't understand the laws of thermodynamics and her discussion is, frankly, embarrassing.
Shame on yet another outfit giving her a soap box to spread misinformation" posted here.

Evie runs a sort of skid row for the failed blog called The Carb-Sane Asylum, never was a blog more aptly named, because it certainly fits my understanding as to what constitutes an asylum. Many of her sycophantic regulars are clearly batshit, and oh so bitter and jealous.

You see just about anyone that writes a book on diet or nutrition is swiftly ripped apart by the bloated one. Evie's problem according to her own admission on the Jimmy Moore podcast is she has been morbidly obese most of her adult life. Except when she low carbed and lost a shed load of weight. Also according to the font "cheats" started creeping back into her diet namely Lindt chocolate truffles. 

So there you have it folks, who am I going to take advice from, the bloated blogger that removed the not so flattering photos from her blog some time ago, or the slim and open and highly successful Zoe ? no brainer eh !

BTW When are we going to be able to read your scientific masterpiece "Restriction Addiction" Evie ? For one so critical of others work, your book must be in the Nobel prize for literature category.



  1. I wonder how scientifically pure is the bloated blogger's diet? Does every bit of food she stuffs in her pie-hole comport with rigorous scientific calculus? Is she her own food guru? If not, then whose nutritional alter does she worship at?

    What a pathetic crank.

  2. I would like to ask Ms. Crank a question regarding her view on CICO as the sine qua non of weight management.

    If she only eats 2000 calories of sugar cookies a day for one month vs 2000 calories a day of only a fatty steak for a month, which will she gain the most weight on? (she's drinking only water too}. Or will she claim her weight will remain exactly the same on both regimes?

  3. "Where are Zoe Harcombe's diplomas in Nutrition from? She has never answered this question. "

    Where are they from? Any one?

  4. @ Anon,

    LOL. Where are Carbsane's diplomas in nutrition from?

  5. Carbsane knows all the answers but can't lose weight.

    Very sad indeed!


  6. Malmo said...

    @ Anon,

    LOL. Where are Carbsane's diplomas in nutrition from?

    LOL, Still doesn't answer the question

  7. Why is Zoe slim and Evie morbidly obese ?

    Who knows best, as for credentials, taking weight loss advice from Evie is like taking flying lessons from a Kamikaze pilot I reckon.

    Come back any time anon, I like you, you make larf !


  8. I really don't get Carbsane at all. She rails against all whom she perceives are non scientists/experts in the field of nutrition, yet she, herself, has no background, credential wise, in the nutritional field. I hope she's sane enough to realize that the standards she's holding everyone to also apply to herself.

    She goes on Jimmy Moore's show and pontificates on her pet (dubious) theories (as if anyone would take her seriously given her lack of any nutritional credentials--the holy grail of listening to anyone according to her ). That's delusional. Period

    Yet the proof is in the pudding. She's obese. Something is wrong with her implemented plan of action. From what I can glean she cheats--a lot. So instead of looking in the mirror she looks out at all the successful weight loss folks (thin women especially) and then, in a jealous rage, proceeds to launch invective diatribes at those who've achieved success losing weight (aimed especially, again, at the pretty ones).

    I think her ugly, cluttered cognitive rants are more against people who LC works for and less against the diet itself (she still does a modified version thereof I believe). She merely uses the diet as an excuse to beat up on all those folks who had more discipline than she. She's an experiment (failed) of one, and is leveraging that as scientific fact, hoping to reel in enough dupes along the way to play along with her.

    Quack, quack, quack...


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