Tuesday 2 September 2014

Carbsane Malmo hits the nail on the head !

Malmo said...

I really don't get Carbsane at all. She rails against all whom she perceives are non scientists/experts in the field of nutrition, yet she, herself, has no background, credential wise, in the nutritional field. I hope she's sane enough to realize that the standards she's holding everyone to also apply to herself. 

She goes on Jimmy Moore's show and pontificates on her pet (dubious) theories (as if anyone would take her seriously given her lack of any nutritional credentials--the holy grail of listening to anyone according to her ). That's delusional. Period

Yet the proof is in the pudding. She's obese. Something is wrong with her implemented plan of action. From what I can glean she cheats--a lot. So instead of looking in the mirror she looks out at all the successful weight loss folks (thin women especially) and then, in a jealous rage, proceeds to launch invective diatribes at those who've achieved success losing weight (aimed especially, again, at the pretty ones). 

I think her ugly, cluttered cognitive rants are more against people who LC works for and less against the diet itself (she still does a modified version thereof I believe). She merely uses the diet as an excuse to beat up on all those folks who had more discipline than she. She's an experiment (failed) of one, and is leveraging that as scientific fact, hoping to reel in enough dupes along the way to play along with her. 

Quack, quack, quack...


  1. This still doesn't answer the question of where Harcombe got here diplomas from

  2. What does it matter where Harcome got her qualifications from? Wasn't Einstein a patent clerk when he came up with the theory of relativity?

  3. " Anonymous said...
    This still doesn't answer the question of where Harcombe got here diplomas from"

    Are there any other words in your head ? How many times are you going to repeat the same comment, why not ask Zoe.

    Nerks like you are OK when you're lubricating, but I'm feeling positively parched, change the record.


  4. Anonymous said...

    What does it matter where Harcome got her qualifications from? Wasn't Einstein a patent clerk when he came up with the theory of relativity?

    Harcombe being compared to Einstein??? Welcome to the internet lol

  5. The only way one should be moved to ANY action in their life is if the order comes from a scientifically credentialed bloke? We should listen to no one, and thus be inert, absent this paper hardware?

  6. Their so defensive these obese bloggers acolytes never have a straight answer when posed questions about her but have the temerity to demand answers about others.

    Seeing CS is so obsessed with Diabetes what qualifications has she got in diabetology, from what I've seen from her I would not trust her with diabetic dog the woman's a complete fruitcake.


  7. I value science yet I'm not a practitioner of scientism, which I gather CS is.

    Nutrition is one area where I use as much of the available information--scientific and otherwise-- as I can intelligently process, much of it conflicting, and experiment with what works best for me. I don't need a definitive Dietary Scientific Ten Commandments (there isn't one to begin with anyway) of eating right to proceed with a diet plan.

    I know that a LCHF diet has worked for many people I know personally. I know that it has worked for me also. It's not a "quack" diet. There might be some quacks promoting it, but Gary Taubes, Jeff Volek or the numerous others Carbsane has libeled and or slandered aren't quacks or snake oilers. If anything she comes off as the flim flam gal in her awful rants.

    What's really sad is that CS has probably infected not a few souls with enough bad anti LCHF advice that the unsuspecting and vulnerable took seriously, which in turn led them to act against their best health interest. Given she offers no cogent alternative to what she's critical about diet wise, who knows what the people at her toxic forum have went off and done to themselves in a detrimental way.

    Her hate for her own failures ( I'm actually sympathetic to failure in the diet arena, btw) has led her to lash out at virtually every LC entity she can find. She is cruel, and perhaps sadistic. Her optics regarding diet are so out of focus that she is admittedly rudderless, waiting for the grand discovery from her nutritional scientist knight in shining amour so as to whisk her away from her unscientific diet limbo into the promised land of dietary bliss. Until that grand day she will wield her nasty keyboard and tongue to eliminate all those LC infidels. Like a weed she will never go away, and lots of unneeded suffering will ensure for the dietary neophytes in her wake.


  8. "Malmo said...

    The only way one should be moved to ANY action in their life is if the order comes from a scientifically credentialed bloke? We should listen to no one, and thus be inert, absent this paper hardware? "

    I doubt you would let a house painters opinion over-rule that of an engineers, so yes a scientifically credentialed bloke might be some one to listen to

  9. Earl

    Do you think this blog is for your benefit ?

    Now you scurry back to Evie, I hear she needs some serious sucking up done.

    BTW Tell her I can get all that blubber off her in less than six months, but all those choccies will have to go.


  10. Ok Eddie, your blog really isn't the playhouse you make it out to be. I'm not sure why you are being selective in which comments of mine you post. Why are you being so defensive?

  11. Earl

    Do you think I am going to approve links back to the bloated blogger's cess pit rubbishing my friends ?

    The woman is the epitome of jealousy and hate, surrounded by mostly complete f**kwits. Are you one of them ?


  12. Earl,

    I don't need a scientifically credentialed person when painting my house, neither do you, unless you're anal retentive like Carbsane. I'll just go with the uncredentialed house painter when I need to brighten my abode, thank you.


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