Tuesday 2 September 2014

DCUK and Duggie made for each other !

Duggie the very confused man on the DCUK forum has posted up more information, he tells us "I have to be honest, I really don't know. I don't count it.Just low GI, and estimate the calories now, so it took me a while to answer.But, I've been through the wrappers and tins from today" he goes on to state "141 to 166g maybe" referring to daily carb intake. From the description "wrappers and tins from today" and previous listings of junk food such as pot noddles etc. his diet is a long way from eating healthy food.

He tells us he has reduced the meds in one breath, but in another post says his Doctor has put him back on statins, because his cholesterol numbers have gone through the roof. He tells us he is seeing double figures on his BG meter and then sub four numbers. This all looks like very unstable control to me, BG numbers all over the place, cholesterol numbers all over the place, and diet I would not recommend to my worst enemy.

OK, a person has the right to eat whatever they like, if they do not want to count carbs and bounce from double figures to near hypos situations, that's their concern. What concerns me, is this dross because of Duggies actions, is pretty much on the front page of the forum every day, yet no one questions this lunacy. What newbies are making of this total tosh Duggie talks can only be wondered at, can the mods and admin not see ? or does no one care ? Remember this, Duggie has been a diabetic for three years, and if this is as far as he has come, maybe someone should be trying to save Duggie from himself.

A few other gems from the post "So 166 to 191g of carbs today" and "I find as little processed food as possible" and "I don't eat fat if I can avoid it though"

What do you think of Duggies methods ? as for me, I don't see any method at all !

The way to the lunacy is here.


BTW I know Duggie reads this blog, he has said so on the DCUK forum. Why not drop in Duggie and tell me what I am missing. 


  1. Eddie and Cronies,

    All this is grand coming from you lot.

    I found out I have been banned from your forum.

    For imply criticism of you. It seems you and your cronies can't take a dose of your own medicine.

    Your forum is no better than DCUK set-up and style of moderation and for that matter your no better than Duggie when it comes down to posting dross.

    But thanks to you and your cronies. I now have a large bargaining chip to use on the DCUK forum.


    Dr Paul Jones - Carmarthen University

  2. Jona

    You did not criticise our way of lifestyle, you never do because you can't. Your exit visa was issued for being rude to all the members by stating you were the only educated member of the forum, not true.

    As for bargaining chips at DCUK I suspect the only chips you ever see are from your local chippie.

    Rock on lad you are a larf a minute !


  3. Duggie is on Sitagliptin. Concerns and discussion on its safety can be found in the literature.

    Would you consider he demonstrates adequate blood glucose control?
    “The DPP-4 inhibitor group includes the drugs linagliptin, saxagliptin, sitagliptin and vildagliptin. There are specific types of people who are considered suitable to take these drugs.

    Broadly, they may also be prescribed when standard treatment with a combination of first-choice drugs for diabetes (metformin and sulfonylurea) has either failed to control blood sugar, is inappropriate, or alternative diabetes drugs are inappropriate. Again, these drugs should only be continued if there is adequate blood sugar control”

  4. Ediie said:-

    Your exit visa was issued for being rude to all the members by stating you were the only educated member of the forum, not true.

    I was making a fair comment based on reading the forums membership list.

    About a quarter of the members on that forum where (characters) multi-accounts you created not real people, Eddie.

    I can't insult bogus members.

    The remaining members in their profile stated jobs that could be classed as low skilled.

    I'm a doctor no one else on that forum has the equivalent education.

    Therefore I am more educated, a fair comment.

    Fairness is something you have little concept off, Eddie.



    Dr Paul Jones - Carmarthen University

  5. Jona

    You become more deranged with each post. Our forum members include a Maths Professor and retired Uni lecturer with three degrees, a corporate lawyer and several school teachers, othesr also hold degrees.

    As for myself I left school at fifteen years of age, no degree for me, but I can out think you 24/7. One thing you must never confuse, education with raw intelligence, that is why I can make a complete oaf of you every time you take me on.

    Tell me why is your self esteem so low you have to use the term Dr. every time you post.


  6. John said...
    Duggie is on Sitagliptin. Concerns and discussion on its safety can be found in the literature.

    Another drug causing all sorts of medical problems and possibly to be banned in the future. Statins and pot noodles.

    Oh dear


  7. Listen here "Doc"

    We were pretty patient with you and you were given plenty of time to state your case-we could have banned you on the spot based on your first post alone or we could have moderated your content but we didn't-members deserved the right to reply to your insinuations and they did and not favourably and quite right so! We then realised that you were NEVER going to offer a serious counter argument or anything of use to a diabetic and the decision was made to drop your membership into 'Room 101'...Never let it be said that we have a Stalinist approach to moderation but even we have our limits! Your posts were no better than or useful than the 'Kitchen ads' we see elsewhere!


  8. Dr Jones, I tried to welcome you and encourage debate but you chose to insult our members and avoid any discussions regarding control of diabetes. I have no history with you and have no knowledge of your past. However, in a very short time I've realised how arrogant and obnoxious you are for no apparent reason. You lurk on forums, hiding behind your "Dr" title and think you're better than others ? I feel sorry for you my friend. Crawl back to DCUK ad annoy the members there.

  9. If I may be just a little ‘sniffy’ - there is no Carmarthen University. There is a Carmarthen Campus of the University of Wales Trinity Saint David. Data on the status of this University is hard to come by.

    “University of Wales, Trinity Saint David refused to release data needed for inclusion in the league tables” from:



  10. @Mo,

    We are never going to be friends less you're in your early 20s got long blonde hair and size 0.

    You never gave me a chance I made two posts and then you bared me.

    Even DCUK let me post more than twice before giving me the boot.

    I think you're intimidated by my knowledge. Scared I may actually be right.

    Prove me wrong reactivate my account. Let me post what i know let me post my counter arguments.

    I'm assuming Mo you locked my account. but i wouldn't put it past that douche bag Paul locking me out.

    Reactivate my account on the forum.


    Dr Paul Jones - C armarthen Uni

  11. Hey "Doc"

    Who banned you? Can't tell-WON'T tell so guess away 'til your hearts content! :-)
    As for re-activating your account-Why would we do that eh me ol' cocker! When we saw that you had joined our forum we believed we would get a counter argument at least and some good debate and we got loaded for 'Grizzly Bear' in anticipation of your 'Enlightening' posts but all we got was Winnie the Pooh!!!!


  12. @Paul, you had every opportunity to participate and debate. You declined. You chose to insult as your first line of attack. Such a shame, I was really looking forward to some productive discussions but you chose the cheap, primary school option.
    We occasionally peep at DCUK so why not start an enlightening thread there ? You missed your chance with us unfortunately, which is a shame. Our forum is totally for free speech, just not for insults. Take care, from a very blonde, size zero, Mo :-)

  13. Dr Paul Jones said…

    I think you're intimidated by my knowledge. Scared I may actually be right.

    Come off Jonsey in all you comments on this blog you have only shown your complete ignorance of diabetes.

    The contempt you showed for the members of our forum because they did not have the education you supposedly have showed just what a presumptuous egotistical prat you are.

    Kind regards

  14. Eddie said...

    You become more deranged with each post. Our forum members include a Maths Professor and retired Uni lecturer with three degrees, a corporate lawyer and several school teachers, others also hold degrees.

    Eddie don't forget Fergus who has been a LowCarber for over twelve years has a Bsc Hons degree.


  15. Jona

    Your exit visa has been issued here, bon voyage old chap and God help all who sail in you.


  16. From Jona comment deleted but email saved.

    "My part in your downfall is only just begin."

    Learn to spell the word before you threaten me you numbskull ! I doubt if you could pull the skin of a bowl of cold tapioca.

    BTW anytime you want to meet is cool with me.



The lowcarb team value your comments. Thank you for taking the time to contribute to our blog. Please note! negative comments and insults from anonymous idiots, with nothing to add to the debate will not be authorised. However, we welcome constructive criticism.

The best of health to you and yours.
