Tuesday 9 September 2014

DCUK How to do a deal with big pharma and play the misinformation game !

"Certainly low carb is popular among the members, I think to some extent we all eat below the RDA of carbs so in effect do low-carb, whether that's eating 30, 50, 100, 150 or 200g of carbs a day, but I do think your doing the best thing by finding your own way at low-carbing as we all have different tastes. Posted here by Noblehead who else ?"

Who believes a low carb diet is 100,150 or 200 grams a day other than the likes of Noblehead ?

A member on the same thread looking to lose more weight.

"I think it's fair to say that whilst I aim for LCHF, I don't always get it right. Some days I have more carbs than I'd have liked (but never normally above 150g unless it's a special occasion)" 

What Noblehead was saying a few years ago re weght loss.

"Noblehead September 4th, 2009, 12:05 pm deleted by Noblehead September 11th, 2012, 5:20 pm as posted here.

"I have seen dieticians, read books, spoke to my diabetic care team, and none have offered any constructive advice on controlling weight. Reading this forum has been helpful, and reading other peoples experiences in controlling their diabetes and improving Hba1c's, has been inspirational !

I can't recollect at any time been given advice on reducing carbs to control weight. I have always been told to eat plenty of carbs at every meal, together with the usual meat and veg. Once I was told that a bowl of cereal for breakfast was insufficient, and should include 2 slices of toast also. Looking back I can now see how flawed this advice/information has been"

As stated above Noblehead deleted much of his own post years later once his hypocrisy and skulduggery was posted on this blog. Full story here

The $64000 dollar question, why has Noblehead spent years spreading misinformation and posting negative comments re low carb ? when he once thanked low carbers for helping him to lose weight and other issues. The Lard works in mysteries ways, but Noblehead is something else. Is he on someone's payroll ? Is he trying to assist the DCUK management do a deal or flog the forum off to big pharma ? as reported here.

From Barry Summers Director at Diabetes Digital Media Limited - Diabetes.co.uk

"The aim of our business is to improve the quality of life to our online viewers, by providing access to high quality tools and information and education delivered via multiple channels via laptop, tablet and mobile applications.

We are interested to hear from investors, M&A groups, strategic partners, health insurance or pharmaceutical companies who have an interest in improving outcomes in the management and control of diabetes throughout the world. An ideal turn key beyond the pill distribution channel"

BTW The sales manager of DCUK done a Noblehead and deleted the big pharma spiel deal, when yet again we reported it here. As most clued up diabetics know, low carb usually results in no or minimal meds for a type two diabetic and much reduced medication for a type one diabetic. Big pharma has no interest in low carbers and even less I suspect in a forum where almost all the good news and success stories come about by low carbing. And for true low carbing, read 50 or less grams of carb per day, not Noblehead's misleading interpretation.



  1. "I think it's fair to say that whilst I aim for LCHF, I don't always get it right. Some days I have more carbs than I'd have liked (but never normally above 150g unless it's a special occasion)"
    This was from one of your own, a member on your floundering forum. Your forum that spends most of it's posts complaining about DCUK.

  2. 150 grams per day is not a low carb diet. DCUK like to tell us it is the largest diabetes forum in Europe. As such it is a total disgrace, moderation virtually non existent and complete idiots posting lies and complete garbage 24/7.

    Why did Barry delete the big pharma spiel after we posted here ?


  3. Give Noblehead some credit he is now in second place behind Daisy in the notable members list, he is going for the top spot now six posts in the royal baby thread shows he's on target.

    Regardless of total post counts who's input in the forum is most valuable to diabetics Noblehead's or Daisy, for me it's the latter her word game posts have far more substance than any of Noblehead's mindless contributions.

  4. The filed copy of:
    "Noblehead September 4th, 2009, 12:05 pm deleted by Noblehead September 11th, 2012, 5:20 pm (see Effie's post above) should be posted and highlighted whenever the duplicitous one makes an inane comment. It seems a common practise: thank the posters who highlighted the role of carbs and then bite the hands that fed them (protein and fats with a litle grisle)!


  5. Looks like phoenix is getting her knickers in a twist again, the number of successful T1 LowCarbers at DCUK is growing daily much to her chagrin, so off she goes full guns blazing in an attempt to stem the tide but like King Canute her attempts will be in vain. Having said that having a sidekick like that lying weasel noblehead will further hamper her efforts.


  6. graham,
    Sorry to correct you on this, but Canute/Cnut was not trying to stem the tide, but to demonstrate that he was unable to do so!

  7. " Canute/Cnut was not trying to stem the tide, but to demonstrate that he was unable to do so!"

    And Phoenix and the duplicitous weasel Nobblyhead are unable to do so, what a busted flush the antis are these days eh. Every day more science proves them 100% wrong and the good news from diabetics drowns out the antis demented screams.

    Luvin it


  8. MadCollie said...

    Sorry to correct you on this, but Canute/Cnut was not trying to stem the tide, but to demonstrate that he was unable to do so!

    I stand corrected my friend you are right, on reflection phoenix has indeed been unable to stem the tide.



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The best of health to you and yours.
