Thursday 4 September 2014

Sir Rory Collins evidence for why we should be statinated !

When you consider the myriad of healthcare problems, countless people report after taking statins, it is a wonder any Doctor prescribes them. This data is from the extremely pro statin outfit headed up by Sir Rory Collins. I have to take my hat off to Rory, anyone who can shift product, as well as Rory, on the flimsiest of evidence below, must rate as the best salesman in the history of the world. That being said he must be extremely well paid. His outfit has trousered over a £114 million in recent years, as posted here, now that's what I call incentive.

No. of events (% per annum)

Relative Risk
Absolute Risk

Non-fatal MI
2310 (0.9%)
3213 (1.2%)
0.74 (-26%)
CHD death
1242 (0.5%)
1587 (0.6%)
0.80 (-20%)
Major coronary event
3380 (1.3%)
4539 (1.7%)
0.76 (-24%)

Coronary Artery Bypass Graft
816 (0.3%)
1128 (0.4%)
0.76 (-24%)
PTCA (angioplasty)
601 (0.2%)
775 (0.3%)
0.78 (-22%)
1686 (0.6%)
2165 (0.8%)
0.76 (-24%)
Coronary revascularisation
3103 (1.2%)
4066 (1.6%)
0.76 (-24%)

Ischaemic stroke
987 (0.4%)
1225 (0.5%)
0.80 (-20%)
Haemorrhagic stroke
188 (0.1%)
163 (0.1%)
1.10 (+10%)
Unknown stroke
555 (0.2%)
629 (0.2%)
0.88 (-12%)
Any stroke
1730 (0.7%)
2017 (0.8%)
0.85 (-15%)

Major vascular event
7136 (2.8%)
8934 (3.6%)
0.79 (-21%)

The data comes from a review of the evidence regarding the impact of statins on health outcomes from 2010 [Cholesterol Treatment Trialists’ Collaboration. Efficacy and safety of more intensive lowering of LDL cholesterol: a meta-analysis of data from 170,000 participants in 26 randomised trials. Lancet 9 November 2010].
This study amassed evidence from 26 individual statin studies.
The CTTC is wholly funded by pharmaceutical companies and does not release all data merely their analysis of data. This data by definition has not been independently studied.
Hat tip to Dillinger for the information.


  1. The thing to note is that in the original powerpoint slide where this information was presented the 'absolute risk reduction' wasn't set out.

    That means that they could say, with a straight face, statins reduce Major Coronary Events by 25% !!! Quick take them.

    When really what they meant was if you don't take them you have a 1.7% chance (in primary prevention) of a major coronary event and if you do take them you have a 1.3% chance.

    Not so much 'wooo-hooo' with that version of the truth though is there?

    These results clearly demonstrate something else though and it's worth saying again; we know statins reduce cholesterol levels by a large degree. There is no doubt about that.

    The fact that the absolute risk reduction is so small can only mean that the small benefit they do provide must be related to something other than cholesterol levels; otherwise the benefits would be much higher because your cholesterol levels will go through the floor on statins.



  2. "The CTTC is wholly funded by pharmaceutical companies and does not release all data merely their analysis of data. This data by definition has not been independently studied."

    Says it all don't you think Dillinger. Statins the $30 billion a year rip off and they are wrecking many lives !



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