Friday 5 September 2014

Tarnished Gold and The Simple Pleasures of Westerdale

Following Dillinger's comment on the use of relative risk versus absolute risk in publishing the results of statin trials I began to consider writing a post on how even the so-called gold standard  - double blind randomised control trials becomes tarnished in the publication of medical trials.

Fortunately, Julie came to the study and remarked had I realised that in the year before we had left for Singapore, 31 years ago, we had driven to Westerdale to view the heather . Quickly realising the opportunity for bonus points -  we leapt in the car and drove over the moors.

In late August/September the moor are swathed in purple heather. An example, also showing The Princess, below.

A perfect morning, the only sound that of the bees collecting pollen, no people, no cars, not even a farm building in sight. Walking back to the car, Julie remarked: "Of course, you do realise that 31 years ago you brought a picnic." Eager for more bonus points I replied "No problem" and a short drive brought us this:

Bonus Points Securely Stored For Future Emergencies!

This was not posted by Duggie and no Pot Noodles were injured during the typing of the post.

1 comment:

  1. "Tarnished Gold and The Simple Pleasures of Westerdale" ......lovely post, thank you.

    There's always another day for a blog post but grab the moment and enjoy the now.....bonus points can come in handy too !

    All the best Jan


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