Friday, 31 October 2014

DCUK Sid Bonkers 'the protected one' goes completely batshit !

Those who follow this blog and read the antics that go on at the DCUK forum know Sid 'the enforcer' Bonkers is arguably the rudest member in the forums history. Ex main henchman and enforcer for the long gone Kenny boy and darling of the low carb anti clique and beloved by the more bent and cranial disadvantaged forum moderators, Sid is giving it large again. Sid has been protected for years by certain mods and as can be seen by clicking on the link below, Anna the senior moderator 'likes lots of Sid's posts, it was ever thus. 

A member started a thread and said.

"I wonder whether we could gather together examples of Healthcare Professionals who have told people that it is either unnecessary or just plain wrong to test their blood sugars. It is a scandal that needs highlighting."

The bonkers one went straight on the attack bellowing.

"To what point, so you can have them shot after the revolution? Just seems a totally pointless thread to me, its not going to change anything"

Another member said

Part of this comment was swiftly edited by an un-named mod. Even with an anonymous forum name, certain mods lack the courage and integrity to post with a known forum name. The comment "Or an Interesting thread answered by a totally pointless person..." went, we can't have that said about poor old Sid can we. But when Sid labels low carbers idiots and liars, rail roads people like Dr. Jay Wortman from the forum, and calls the Southport Doctor a troll, that's cool with the certain mods. Yet again we see the bias against low carbers on the forum of flog, yet again we see the complete lack of integrity displayed by certain mods, yet again we see the corruption shining through. I suspect it will ever be thus.

To be fair, the forum administrator is a non diabetic and not too long out of school, as such cannot be blamed when surrounded by some of the most duplicitous, conniving liars that ever assembled on a forum.

Giverny may be an honest and very likeable young lady with many admirable qualities, but surrounded by gutless anonymous sharks, she stands no chance in ever getting that forum on the straight and narrow.

One last point, why Sid sits on his arse retired long before retirement age, due to invalidity, many of the low carbers he so obviously hates are working to ensure his benefit cheque gets paid every month. He tells us he gets adequate tests strips on free prescription for his needs, the thread was highlighting many diabetics get none. Sid is clearly in the I'm alright f**k you jack mould, as are so many of his friends.


Link to the "Interesting thread answered by a totally pointless person"
 is here.

Post edit.

Just to prove my point 100% a very well mannered and even handed long time poster posted this on the thread. The post was deleted by a mod within seconds.


  1. Sidney certainly has anger management issues. Always on the attack. Then, quite often finishes a post with "that's why I hardly ever post here now" ! Well, stay away then Sidney because I've never ever seen a friendly, relevant or educational comment by your goodself in years ! Take care buddy :-)


  2. Making catherinecherub a mod was the last straw.

  3. Hi Mo

    Bonkers has made one good post in his time as can be seen here.


  4. Eddie, even Katie Price has a ghost writer !


  5. Good old Sid eh guys? as predictable as night follows day and one of my favourites of his was this little gem over at DCUK...Sids post was #3 and check out the hilarious comeback by a member in post #7


  6. Bonkers is an intimidating bully and sets out to deliberately derail threads and gets away with it, the mods (especially anna29) by their inaction give him the green light to carry on with his utterly contemptible behaviour.

    Many others get warnings and bans for far less.

  7. I think Sid adds much needed entertainment value to what is nowadays just a very very boring forum. The life has been well and truly kicked out of it by Anna29 and her cronies. They took a vibrant exciting place and turned iy into a grey politically correct wasteland. What a shame.

    So keep it up Sid at least you're still fighting.

  8. Sids got his strips and probably an excellent health care team yet is in denial about all those struggling to get even basic care never mind test strips.

    Conclusion he's a selfish bastard intent on sabotaging as many threads as possible that attempt to bring about change...

  9. Chuffed to see you are still around and kicking butt xyzzy. I know you have not always seen eye to eye with me,that's cool, but we always sung from the same hymn sheet.

    Regards Eddie

  10. " Anonymous said...
    Bonkers is an intimidating bully and sets out to deliberately derail threads and gets away with it, the mods (especially anna29) by their inaction give him the green light to carry on with his utterly contemptible behaviour.

    Many others get warnings and bans for far less."

    Sid is a man with a chip on his shoulder the size of a house. Life dealt him some bad hands, and he is a very angry man, I can understand that. But why take other good people down, and why side with the bitter and twisted ?

    We all, get good hands and bad hands, it's how we play them that counts.


  11. Thanks Eddie.

    Sid is pretty untouchable and knows it. The relationship with "councellor" Anna29 is amusing. I still have a pm from her where she says shes helping him with his anger management problems. So much for client confidentiality! Oh and she was head mod at the time.

    Take care

  12. I genuinely have empathy for Sid, he like me loves his fishing and had to give it up. Now fishing is not exactly a high physical activity sport, so he must be in a bad way.

    One thing is for sure, Sid says it like he believes it is, although very wrong in my and many others opinions.

    I truly wish him well, and hope he can get back on a lake and enjoy his fishing once again.

    For me this has never been personal, it's business, and my business is to spread the low carb salvation for diabetics.


  13. We'll have to start calling xyzzy Pinocchio or was he drunk when he wrote his comments?

  14. "We'll have to start calling xyzzy Pinocchio or was he drunk when he wrote his comments?"

    So bravely spoken anonymous one. Are you one of those dishonest mods at DCUK or one of the carboholic med addicted antis that hides in the shadows spreading fear and information. What a week on the flog eh, it gets worse by the day.


  15. Anonymous said...
    "We'll have to start calling xyzzy Pinocchio or was he drunk when he wrote his comments?"

    Is that you 'Irene'? A self confessed 'Lurker' on several boards and now recently 'Promoted' and name in green perhaps?


  16. Actually "anonymous" the pm she sent also contained the classic "Who is Grazer?" Grazer of course was then one of the most prolific posters (3000+) and organiser of the dcuk government test strips campaign. It really does show how little the likes of Anna where aware of others outside her cleek.

    I'm sure the only reason she knew me was because she recalled I was Pneu's father, her initial contact was a pm asking if I could contact him as she wanted to talk about some dcuk mod stuff over with him.

    She obviously had't remembered I was the same xyzzy who she'd sent a very very abusive and ranting pm to a couple of months previously after Phoenix and I had a run in on some thread or other. I dutifully reported her conduct and copied the pm to Bendedict (then admin) but of course nothing ever came of it as like others she's one of the untouchables.

    The whole cleek thing is pathetic. It says something when I sit and read that even the moderates like Smidge and Desi who have on occasion taken me and other "radicals" to task get censored. Like I say thanks to Anna and her ilk the whole forum has become some Stalinist PC nightmare which is why I hardly ever post on it nowadays.

  17. xyzzy said...

    Like I say thanks to Anna and her ilk the whole forum has become some Stalinist PC nightmare which is why I hardly ever post on it nowadays.

    I had similar problems with jopar when she was a mod I got a pm threatening to ban me over a thread I started, in those days though it was possible to get some redress I reported her and she was proven to be a liar and subsequently she was only allowed to moderate the pump forum.



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