Anyone reading Nobleheads posts over the last six years know he is a stalwart member of the antl low carb high fat clique. Never missing an opportunity to vilify healthy saturated fats and giving dire warnings about low carbing. On insulin with adequate test strips and a good medical team, he failed to appreciate many others had none of these benefits and low carb was their only option. That being said, he must be fully aware many with all the benefits and who did low carb, reported vastly improved BG and weight control on the forum.
Noblehead always gave everyone the impression his diabetes was under control and his BG numbers excellent, he had diabetes licked due to his wonderful healthcare team, no need for him to low carb, or has he been spoofing us all along ? Yesterday on the forum he started a new thread and posted this here.
"Been provisionally told that I may be eligible to go on a pump, I'm a little apprehensive but excited at the same time, been injecting insulin for 33 years so won't miss the injections one little bit."
So, he may be eligible for an insulin pump on the NHS. What qualifies an adult for a pump on the NHS.
"Attempts to reach target haemoglobin A1c (HbA1c) levels with multiple daily injections (MDI) result in the person having "disabling hypoglycaemia". For the purpose of this guidance, disabling hypoglycaemia is defined as the repeated and unpredictable occurrence of hypoglycaemia that results in persistent anxiety about recurrence and is associated with a significant adverse effect on quality of life.
HbA1c levels have remained high (8.5% or above) with multiple daily injections (including using long-acting insulin analogues if appropriate) despite the person and/or their carer carefully trying to manage their diabetes." Info from here.
The above criteria clearly does not describe a person with good control of their diabetes, it is a very long way from good diabetes control. This raises several questions. 1. Has Noblehead been spoofing us re. his control of diabetes? 2. Has his regime suddenly let him down and a pump is the only way to improve his poor control? 3. Is he spoofing the NHS?
The $64000 question for me is, would Noblehead be needing a pump if he had used a correct diet for a diabetic over the years, i.e. a low carb diet? A diet he has vilified for so long. He has constantly meddled in type two threads and together with a few other low carb antis, had countless low carb threads locked, and countless type two diabetics and low carbers banned.
For years I have asked myself the question. Why would a few forum anti's spend years and post countless times against low carb, when they can clearly see so many others posting fantastic success with a low carb diet. In fact almost all the success. Could it be they could not change their diet, they are far too addicted to carbs they defend so hard. Could it be they have been jealous of the success of others, who have the self discipline and dedication to radically change their lifestyle and not carry on as before and use nil/minimal medication to really control their diabetes.
Time will tell it always does, as we have seen so many times with the antis, they have so often contradicted themselves, so many times they have proved to be less than honest. I hope Noblehead gets his pump and he gains good control of his blood glucose. Maybe, just maybe he might reflect one day on the damage he has done and the fear he has spread to so many on the forum, especially to the diabetics that cannot even get a prescription test strip to enable good control. The sort of people who are working and ultimately will pick up the tab, the very expensive tab for his pump and consumables.
Remind me Eddie, why did Pneu have a pump?
ReplyDeleteWhy don’t you ask Pneu yourself. Maybe he used a pump for the same reasons Jopar, SarahQ aka CarbsRock and Phoinix use a pump, they cannot get good control of BG numbers without it. How ironic with the exception of the Cherub and Bonkers the most vehement anti low carbers in the history of the forum are all, or about to in Nobleheads case, on a pump.
ReplyDeleteNoblehead once thanked low carbers for helping him and rubbished the medical proffesion as can be seen here
By Noblehead September 4th, 2009, 12:05 pm
"I have seen dieticians, read books, spoke to my diabetic care team, and none have offered any constructive advice on controlling weight. Reading this forum has been helpful, and reading other peoples experiences in controlling their diabetes and improving Hba1c's, has been inspirational !
I can't recollect at any time been given advice on reducing carbs to control weight. I have always been told to eat plenty of carbs at every meal, together with the usual meat and veg. Once I was told that a bowl of cereal for breakfast was insufficient, and should include 2 slices of toast also. Looking back I can now see how flawed this advice/information has been.
Cutting back on the carbs, reducing portion size and eating sensible foods, combined with plenty of exercise has changed my approach to diabetes. I am now eating approximately half the amount of carbs I ate only 3 months back, and at last my weight is starting to drop. Before I started to cut back I was 14st 12lb, and being only 5ft 9'' was well overweight, and my BMI was 31. "
All the text above removed by noblehead on September 11th, 2012, 5:20 pm, edited 1 time in total.
You almost have to wonder if it's a variation of Munchhausen's Syndrome. I mean, to bury one's head in the sand THAT deeply, refuse to read anything that might help a life-threatening condition...well, beyond the stupidity of it, it reminds me of Munchhausen's. Some people, sick and twisted indeed, get a LOT of mileage of being sick, even if they claim they have that disease 'in control.'
ReplyDeleteNICE guidelines are exactly that, Guidelines .
ReplyDeleteAny consultant can interpret them as she or he sees fit.
None absorption of his life saving medication will fit the bill.
Peneu and dillianger were given pumps why? More to the point why is Dillianger no longer pumping?
Anonymous said...
ReplyDelete"NICE guidelines are exactly that, Guidelines .
Any consultant can interpret them as she or he sees fit.
None absorption of his life saving medication will fit the bill.
Peneu and dillianger were given pumps why? More to the point why is Dillianger no longer pumping?"
I assume you meant Pneu and Dillinger instead of what you actually typed and I'm sure if you asked them they would happily answer you.
Great to see you're still reading the LCD blog Jopar! ;-)
Paul xx (Love to the dogs BTW)
I'm not 'no longer' pumping. I've never pumped; I'd like to but was refused by my consultant because he said my blood sugars "were too good".
ReplyDeleteI know some Type 1's do get given a pump even with good control (Pneu had brilliant control as far as I recall) but I assume that is because they are under more enlightened care. Possibly that is what has happened to Noblehead, possibly he just has a high HbA1c and is therefore eligible under the NICE guidelines? I've never seen him post an HbA1c which is odd if he's been doing well isn't it?
All Type 1's should be on pumps and constant glucose monitors but alas that's not the world we live in.
Dillinger or Dilli-Anger if you prefer...
So it's alright for LC to have a pump even if they are managing well? Noble head has given his reasons, injection sites.
ReplyDelete"So it's alright for LC to have a pump even if they are managing well? Noble head has given his reasons, injection sites."
ReplyDeleteI see he has run out of sites for an insulin pen, but has sites to place a cannula.
Yeah, why do I not believe that? could it be he has been found out telling porkies in the past, not that I did not expect a reason for his needing a pump other than poor control and the wrong diet to come out of the woodwork.
TBH I thought the 'we are all different' ploy to be said. So often the cop out for those that are full of bullshit.
"So it's alright for LC to have a pump even if they are managing well? Noble head has given his reasons, injection sites."
ReplyDeleteHow do we know noblehead is telling the truth? after all he's been proved to be a an out and out liar.
He should change his name to Pinocchio
The truth is that no medication can't control blood glucose unless you moderate the carbs you eat. Not even insulin since you can not perfectly time the big uptake of glucose from carbs with the amount of insulin needed. For that you need a healthy pancreas.
ReplyDeleteEven with a pump it will not work since they shoot for A1C of 7% or 7.5% to be "safe". Levels at were damage and complications still happens.
If you rely on just medication without reducing carbs and follow the advice of medical dogma. You are guarantee a lifetime of pain and complications.
So we now have or will soon have a quartet of anti LowCarb pumpers!
ReplyDeleteFunny that they never get involved with T1 LC threads.
Happy to say I don't want or need a pump ! T1 and low carbing baby :-)
ReplyDeleteSaw my name mentioned!
ReplyDeleteReference why I got a pump...
I got it on three basis...
1. Lifestyle.. to maintain my 5% (or less HbA1c) on injections I was injecting around 10 - 12 times a day.. which was seen as having an adverse risk on lifestyle.
2. I wanted a pump from Animas who the local hospital had no experience of.. the diabetic consultant wanted to try them out and he wanted someone that understood their control and how to control to be the "guine pig"..
3. The consultant and I may have bent the truth a little.. when the request went to the funding board :)
You can get a pump with good control it is just a lot harder.. It took me around 2 years to go through the process.
Lowcarb team member said...
ReplyDeleteWhy don’t you ask Pneu yourself. Maybe he used a pump for the same reasons Jopar, SarahQ aka CarbsRock and Phoinix use a pump, they cannot get good control of BG numbers without it
Have you any proof of this statement?
Has it registered with you that perhaps the above pumpers you so spitefully lambast were given pumps for the same reason as Pneu? Then again even if it had you would not admit to it because type 1 pumpers are the pits as far as you are concerned.
Your ignorance of type 1 diabetes, injectable insulin,how it works, basal patterns ETC, is outstanding. May I congratulate you on your ignorance?
Gutless and cowardly anon you are clearly demented or under the influence of drugs.
ReplyDeleteJust off to the pub, I will deal with your dross tomorrow.
Anonymous said...
ReplyDeleteHas it registered with you that perhaps the above pumpers you so spitefully lambast were given pumps for the same reason as Pneu? Then again even if it had you would not admit to it because type 1 pumpers are the pits as far as you are concerned.
Lets get this straight sunshine we don't have a problem with the majority of T1s no matter how they control their diabetes. The only reason the "above pumpers" are on our radar is their continuous interference and scaremongering in T2 threads.
Your ignorance of type 1 diabetes, injectable insulin,how it works, basal patterns ETC, is outstanding. May I congratulate you on your ignorance?
Yes and their ignorance of Type 2 using LC to control BG is equally outstanding, congratulations on their (and your?) ignorance.
Your not one of the four are you?
Now lets have a bit more about the "above pumpers"
Noblehead a proven compulsive liar
Jopar definitely not a full ticket, I can revisit some of her comments if you so wish.
SarahQ aka CarbsRok another complete fruit cake. Spending hours deleting her comments from DCUK is not what you would expect from a rational person, her alter ego CarbsRok has also deleted many of her early posts on the forum.
Phoenix has got to have OCD her unhealthy obsession with type 2 for over six years is plain to see, maybe she needs some expert counselling too !
Love and hugs
Graham xxx
Don't really see what the problem is Eddie. As far as I understand it in some if those damned foreigner countries like Germany T1 adults get to choose if they want a pump.
ReplyDeleteDespite disagreeing with Noblehead on a lot of things I wish him all the best with his efforts to get a pump.
Good grief like all long term T1s who have injected for decades he deserves all the help he can extract from the NHS and if he thinks a pump will help him he is in the best position to decide on his lifestyle choices.
Take care
xyzzy (father of a low carb pumper)
Hi xyzzy sorry for getting back late to you but I have better things to do than chew the fat with part timers and middle of the road merchants like you.
ReplyDeleteIs it not a fact that you, Borofergie, Grazer, Defren and others were banned from DCUK and that is what prompted you and others to start your own forum. Is it not a fact that your son Pneu was so disgusted by what went on at the forum he resigned his mods position. Is it not a fact he announced his resignation on this blog because he knew his post would not stand for five minutes on the forum of flog and corruption.
Kind regards Eddie
ReplyDeleteand who did his best to screw us over when we set up etym. In many ways you pissed us off just as much as dcuk did. Not as easy as it looks to run a forum is it Eddie as you seem to be finding out.
Anyway wishing Noblehead good luck with getting a pump is entirely different to agreeing with him or condoning dcuks behaviour. Not everything has to be just "business" as you often state some of us are human :-)
"and who did his best to screw us over when we set up etym. In many ways you pissed us off just as much as dcuk did. Not as easy as it looks to run a forum is it Eddie as you seem to be finding out."
ReplyDeleteYou lot screwed yourselves over big time. Can you not remember how you were all arguing with each other right from the start? All angling to have the biggest chiefs hat, and grandest title. Playing power game as if the fledgling forum was a multi £billion pound business outfit.
Then after being a staunch bunch of true low carbers other than Grazer, you promoted a diet to newbies no low carber would have touched with a barge pole.
Most low carbers who joined left within a month, you guys wrecked what could have been a fantastic low carb forum, Jeez it took you how long to get the name right.
"Anyway wishing Noblehead good luck with getting a pump is entirely different to agreeing with him or condoning dcuks behaviour. Not everything has to be just "business" as you often state some of us are human :-)"
Two points, if you had read my post properly you would have seen I said I hope Noblehead gets his pump and gains good control. Second point, it was not me who brought Pneu into the debate, it was an anon. I have said on numerous occasions I respect Pneu and admire what he has achieved. Why you came on here taking me on only you know the answer, I can't see it.
You know exactly what Noblehead and his ilk have done to the DCUK forum and what goes on over there, but choose to keep your mouth shut,as do so many others, people like you allow the wreckers and liars to get away with it.