Sunday 9 November 2014

There is no Relationship with Plasma Fatty Acid Levels in New Zealanders with Severe Coronary Artery and Mortality


Evidence suggests that there may be a relationship between certain fatty acids and cardiovascular disease. For example, observational studies suggest that Trans Fatty Acids (TFA) is associated with 
increased total and cardiovascular mortality [1,2]. However, most TFA in those populations is derived from partially hydrogenated vegetable oil, with little coming from ruminant sources [3-13]. The effects of TFA derived from animal byproducts is less clear with one author suggesting 
that all TFA regardless of source is associated with increased mortality but others suggesting that ruminant TFA(rTFA) have no effect [2,14].

A Cochrane review contends a small, but potentially important, reduction in cardiovascular risk with reduced SFA intake [15]. The postulated effects of SFA on heart heath are thought to depend 
on the type of SFA. For example, long chain fatty acids are thought to be harmful but medium chain fatty acids are thought to have neutral or beneficial effects. However, the recent meta-analysis by 
Rajiv Chowdhury and review by Siri-Tano suggests that there is little distinction between the effects of different SFA isomers [16-18].

 Meal diaries and food frequency questionnaires have been found to be unreliable to assess dietary intake [19,20] and it is now suggested that objective measurements of dietary intake be more widely used.One such measurement is plasma levels fatty acids which reflect dietary intake for the last 2-3 weeks [21]. In this study, plasma level of all fatty acids including TFA isomers was measured in New Zealand subjects with severe symptomatic coronary artery disease. The relationship between total and cardiovascular mortality at7 ½ years and fatty acid levels was described. 

Full PDF here:


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