"Admin Disclaimer
For the most part, this post comprises anecdotal information. Many diabetics, not only on this forum, but all over the world, have found low carb to be the best way to control diabetes.
Before making any major changes to your diet, please consult your GP and/or dietician – there may be medical reasons as to why you are unable to follow a low carb diet.
Please also keep in mind that this diet isn’t suitable for everyone, and the guidelines in this thread are simply here to help you make more informed decisions regarding your food intake and the way you manage your blood glucose.
If you have Type 1 Diabetes: whilst there is not necessarily a medical reason that you cannot follow a low carb diet, please only do so after consulting with your GP and/or dietician. This is due to the fact that you may need to make changes to your insulin usage whilst low carbing."
Despite thousands upon thousands of highly misleading posts placed on the forum, many recommending dubious advice at best, and highly dangerous at worst, the admin issues it's first Admin disclaimer. The disclaimer was applied to the "Introduction to low carb for beginners" as posted on this blog yesterday.
The disclaimer stated " For the most part, this post comprises anecdotal information" that is not true the post contained lots of established medical fact. It also says " only do so after consulting with your GP and/or dietician" when they should know the majority of UK Doctors and dietitians do not recommend a low carb diet, countless forum members have stated this in the past.
Within the last few weeks DCUK emailed all members a 30 day low carb meal plan, I posted a link to the PDF on various sites, stating it contained some great food ideas. Did DCUK issue a Admin disclaimer? with that message to all members including insulin users, of course not.
It is my opinion the disclaimer is intended to dissuade people from low carbing it has a distinct 'many diabetics use low carb but don't try this at home folks' quality about it. It is also my opinion Rods post was one of the best posts ever placed on the DCUK forum. This post was at first locked and a negative comment added by Anna a forum mod and then the disclaimer applied.
So, if the Admin is playing with a straight bat the disclaimer should be removed, if not then surely every post placed on the forum re. diet must also carry an Admin disclaimer.
Very strange that that Rod's low carb for beginners post is the only post ever to have a disclaimer added to it. I've read the thread numerous times and the wording is very explicit in mentioning testing regularly, seek advice etc etc.
ReplyDeleteI wonder why Daisy's welcome post has not got a disclaimer also ? If I were newly diagnosed and visited the forum for advice, it would worry me slightly that the best advice on there is the only one with a disclaimer. Perhaps that's their intention ?
Legally they just covering their back., with a diet protocol that the established medical profession still scoffs at. last time i looked at your blog and forum are plastered with disclaimers. So i don't understand the issue.
You are talking complete rubbish Ray.
ReplyDeleteAll forums and blogs have a disclaimer, but a disclaimer has never been issued once to an individual post at DCUK.
Wake up mate, DCUK is corrupt and the latest antics prove it. It was ever thus, only a complete fool or DCUK stooge cannot see it.
I'm wide awake and fully compas mentis.
ReplyDeleteYou need to focus on blogging about the benefits of low carbing. Rather than trivia about the dcuk and its members.
I would be more concerned about who they hired to head up there IT department.
ReplyDeleteWhy all the cryptic shite, if you have something say, say it.