Friday 5 December 2014

DCUK Duggie boy, slowly the truth emerges.

"We were looking at my BG from diagnosis, it rose for the first year to a peak of a HbA1c of 6.4, and a fasting of 9.9%. The I turned it around, mainly with the lowGI/GL diet and exercise, and it's been in the normal range for the last two years, this year a low of HbA1c of 5.3, and a fasting BG of 4.8." Posted here.

Many must have wondered how Duggie could consume so much junk food especially carbs (around two hundred a day) and hold the great BG numbers he quotes. I am beginning to see how that could be possible. Remember he was using two diabetic medications up until very recently, and he states his HbA1c peaked at 6.4. This indicates at diagnosis his BG was lower, so low he was probably in a pre-diabetic stage.

Clearly, if he had not been eating so much junk recently, he could have dumped the meds some time ago. The bottom line here is, was he ever a diabetic? It is clear, without a very poor diet, he would never have needed any diabetes medication. If you are a non insulin injecting diabetic, can you eat two hundred grams of carbs a day and hold fasting BG numbers of 4.8 on one metformin pill? (as he claims) I know lots of people who can on zero diabetes medication, I have tested family members and friends, and guess what! none of them are diabetics.

Feel free to come over here any time Duggie and chew the fat, tell me what I am missing. Or, at least tell the newbies and confused on the DCUK forum a low carb diet years ago would have saved you from so much grief and med taking.



  1. Sooo…If it peaked at 6.4% and was lower at diagnosis,then I'm a wee bit confused here because as far as I'm aware,in the UK anyway,the diagnostic criteria for a diagnosis of DM is a HbA1c of 6.5% and above and 2 fasted venous readings of 7mmol and above if asymptomatic or 1 fasted venous reading of 7mmol or above if symptoms are present??? Say for example his A1c on diagnosis was below 6% then surely that would be in the realms of IGT instead of T2 so his anecdotes do not apply to your average diabetic who could not cope with an intake of over 200 grams of carbs per day without strong medication.
    I too would like to hear Douglas99's take on this matter as it IS relevant when it involves a health forum that has a high turnover of newly diagnosed diabetics.


  2. Hi Paul old Duggie is full of it, only the mods other than Ian cannot see it. Most clued up members give the frogman a wide berth.What's new about trolls and mutants dominating DCUK ?


  3. He who laughs last, laughs longest.

    How did Dr Jones describe you, a vile tramp that looks and acts like something that floats around in a loo. ROFL


  4. Douglas99 said...
    He who laughs last, laughs longest.

    How did Dr Jones describe you, a vile tramp that looks and acts like something that floats around in a loo. ROFL

    Yes and Eddie needs a bog brush sunshine are you available ?


    Kind regards

  5. Ah the bog brush, so much to say on the DCUK forum but can only quote others over here.

    Lie after lie from the frogman, with the intellect of a lobotomised chimp.

    Another gutless anon living in a world of milk shakes and masturbation.



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