Thursday, 18 December 2014

DCUK Quote of the year from Phoenix !

"It's as well to remember that Accord did use a cocktail of hypoglycaemic drugs so is a mile away from just using metformin or diet and exercise alone. (and also intensive meant below 6% not low 5s or less; it doesn't really provide any evidence about that)" Phoenix here.

Old timers at the flog will remember the low carb antis were almost orgasmic when the ACCORD study was published. The study was set up to see if outcomes for type two diabetics improved with a high meds regime, set up to reduce BG numbers. So badly did the study go it was ended early, because far too many type two diabetics were dying. This was seen by the naysayers as proof non diabetic BG numbers was not worth achieving, in fact worse, non diabetic BG numbers could send you to an early grave.

The low carb antis trumpeted the grim news loud and wide, But, when you looked at the detail rather than the headline, it was easy to see why this study was doomed to fail. The subjects were long time very poorly controlled, many were morbidly obese, many had a history of heart problems etc, etc. In short many had one foot in the grave at the start. BTW no mention of diet was outlined in the study. So, the study was a farce and proved only one thing to me and others who can think straight, ramming highly elevated BG numbers down with a bag full of meds does not work, and it will never work.

Phoenix, by far and away the most well read and intelligent of the low carb antis at the flog, used the ACCORD study and many other at best dubious studies and information to push her high carb high med lifestyle. The question I am asking myself is, did she know the ACCORD study and many other papers and studies she copies and pastes ad nausea are a complete crock? 

As she said today at the flog ""It's as well to remember that Accord did use a cocktail of hypoglycaemic drugs so is a mile away from just using metformin or diet and exercise alone" Too right, using the correct diet and nil/minimum meds, and regular exercise is a mile away from what she and her fellow antis have preached for years. The $64000 question is, why has she played the roll of technical adviser to the antis for years, when she has known all along, the low carb lifestyle was the only safe and reliable alternative for countless diabetics, type one and two.


1 comment:

  1. I always thought that the ACCORD study was the proof that the micromanagement of body system with medications to achieve good test numbers was not a good idea.


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