Tuesday 30 December 2014

Eggs Wonderful Eggs - Great Way to Start the day !

Eggs wonderful eggs - what a great way to start the day.

"How about 'Huevos Rancheros' - a low-carb breakfast packed with vitamins and minerals, and very delicious too. With its kick of spice, this dish will help blow away any cobwebs and have you firing on all cylinders to have a great day.

This recipe serves one, but can obviously be doubled up.
2 large, free range eggs
1 green pepper, diced
1tbsp butter
1 clove garlic, crushed
Pinch dried chilli flakes (add more or less, according to how spicy you like your food
½ tin chopped tomatoes (roughly 200g)
2tbsp grated strong cheese (Parmesan or a mature cheddar)
Salt and freshly ground black pepper

Melt the butter in a small frying/omelette pan and add the diced peppers. Cook, stirring occasionally until softened (about five minutes).

Add the tomatoes, garlic and chilli flakes. Bring to the boil then turn down to a simmer and leave, stirring occasionally, for five minutes. You should be left with a thick sauce. Make two indentations in the mixture and crack the eggs in. Leave until the whites are set – about five minutes. (You may need to move the whites around a little to cook.)

Add a little salt and pepper and top with the grated cheese. Place under a pre-heated grill until the cheese is melted.

This is delicious with some salad on the side or on top of steamed broccoli. Allow roughly 10-15g carbs per serving."

Thanks to Emma at The Diabetes Diet Blog for this recipe idea here.

All the best Jan

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