Thursday, 15 January 2015

Dr Trudi Deakin RD: My diet is 82% FAT and I've never been healthier'

.For years, dieters have believed high-carb, low-fat is the key to weight loss
.But a body of new evidence is turning the tide and changing the advice
.Dietitian Dr Trudi Deakin's new book encourages a diet high in saturated fat
.Eat Fat: Step-by-Step Guide To Low Carb Living is the result of research examining the recent studies on the subject
.No evidence that saturated fat causes heart attack or stroke, she said
.Saturated fat leaves you feeling fuller for longer and less inclined to snack
.High-carb diet promotes production of weight-promoting hormone insulin
.Excess carbs in the body are converted into fat which sits around organs 

It has long been the modus operandi of dieters around the world - cut the fat and opt for 'lighter' foods to try and shift the pounds.

The NHS itself recommends eating plenty of potatoes, bread, rice and pasta with some milk and diary foods, but advises opting for low-fat options.

But now a growing body of evidence is turning the tide on that advice.

A vast collection of studies are changing the dieting landscape, as experts open their eyes to the real enemy targeting our waistlines - carbohydrates.

Now one dietitian, Dr Trudi Deakin, has revealed her diet is 82 per cent fat - and claims she has never felt healthier.

The founder of X-PERT Health, a charity that offers educational programmes on diabetes to NHS professionals, Dr Deakin regularly performs in-depth literature reviews of recent studies to ensure the information they give is up-to-date.

'More and more evidence is coming out in favour of low carbohydrate diets,' she told MailOnline.

A year ago, she was asked to speak at the annual Diabetes UK conference in a debate against another researcher on the topic 'We should stop promoting carbohydrates in people with diabetes'.

Dr Deakin said: 'Traditionally, the advice has been high-carbohydrate, low-fat diets are best.

'I won the debate and was amazed afterwards when I started being contacted by diabetic patients and GPs who had started a low-carb diet and found it to be successful.

'Despite that, patients told me their diabetes care team were still promoting a high-carb diet.

'GPs were telling me for years they had seen patients coming through on a low-fat high-carb diet complaining it wasn't helping them.

'I started to do some additional research last summer, reading lots of fantastic books and studies.

'I now have a very clear understanding of how a high-carb diet has fuelled the obesity epidemic.'



  1. I don't know anyone who eats a low fat high carb diet. It's virtually impossible to drop your fat intake below say 20% without some serious planning in this society and who the hell in the general public is doing that? The well off may spend their days eating expensive cuts of wild birds and game and lean meat and chicken breasts and fresh fish at every meal but most ordinary people are consuming loads of fat because thats integral to the food they can afford, mince beef, sausages, pies, pizzas, eggs, burgers, cheese, ready meals, fish and chips, cornish pasties sausage rolls etc. , god knows what in the way of chocolate, cakes,puddings etc. are you seriously saying the obesity epidemic is due to people cutting fat out of their diet, if they replaced most of that fat with veg and fruit instead of sugar what do you think would happen, apart from the fact they would be on a low fat diet?

  2. The problem isn't the saturated fat. It's fat + carbohydrates. I've been on a ketogenic diet for about 8 months. I've lost nearly 70 pounds. I keep my net carbohydrates (carbs-fiber=net carbs) under 25-30 grams a day. It takes discipline, but I'm convinced this is the way my body was made to run. It's like a well oiled machine.

    Most fruit is chalk full of sugar in the form of fructose. After cutting fruit, sugar, starches, and most processed food out, my blood glucose is now in the normal range, and I no longer worry about diabetic complications. My lipid panel is improving. Inflammation has ceased (no more joint pain, back pain, etc. carbohydrates are a major inflammatory).

    If you don't understand this way of eating, I urge you to do a little research. It quite literally has saved thousands of lives, all over the world.

  3. low fat is less than 30%, we use to have 40% in the 1970's

  4. Carbs sufficient to replace glycogen used, low fructose, low Gi, <150g per day. A palm-size or less of natural protein with the accompanying fat at most meals. The balance made up with natural fats (about 50:50 mono-unsaturated and saturated with just small amounts of EFAs). n=1 Result zero calcification!


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