Wednesday, 28 January 2015

Low Carb Pizza Bagels

If you are living the low carb high fat lifestyle, I'm sure cauliflowers may be on your menu plan? If they are how about this lovely recipe for Pizza Bagels. It's a tried and tested cauliflower recipe to add to your LCHF recipe collection. Use a mini doughnut pan (about 5cm diameter), and if you are a vegetarian you can swap to using Quorn pepperoni and just bake for about 18 minutes.

Pizza Bagels

Serves 6


2 eggs
1 cup Mozzarella
1 cup Cauliflower riced
25-30 slices pepperoni cut into quarters
1/2 tsp fennel seed
3/4-1 tsp Garlic powder (depending on preference)
1/2 tsp Crushed red pepper
1 large slice tomato diced


Combine all your ingredients and mix well.
Spoon mixture into donut pan.
Bake at 400 degrees for 30 minutes.
Original recipe idea is here and thanks also to 'Avocado Sevenfold' at the low carb diabetic forum

All the best Jan


  1. Made with cauliflower. Must try these. They look good enough to eat lol :)

  2. Hey Jan -- I came over the hunt for these today for new blogger I started to read. Your picture looks great. Hope you and your honey bunny are having a yummy day.

    Cheers and boogie boogie.

  3. Hi Ivy
    These do look great and taste great too!
    Thanks for your comment, we've had a great day.

    All the best Jan

  4. I don't eat eggs, dairy or pepperoni but the girl I showed this post to, I think she eats those things. Just read her comment back and I didn't realize that she was already a reader of your blog.

    Just finished my free from dairy, ice cream break and now ... back to sanding the walls.

    Cheers and boogie boogie.

  5. Hi again Ivy,
    Yes, I've just been over to you and will comment in a moment on your blog.
    I see it was Mary you were talking to in your comments, as she says she does follow the low carb diabetic, but thanks for directing her to us.
    I also see Sheila may visit... so once again, thank you.

    I think this is where 'blogland' is so good we can all help each other out.
    Information, reading is key and sharing our own experiences.
    You can't beat it!

    Enjoy the rest of Wednesday, and happy sanding!

    All the best Jan

  6. Mary told me, very cool. Sheila is my friend. She's a fantastic artist. I hope you give her a visit.

    And yes, I love this about blogging as well. There's something for everyone and the support is pretty darn cool. The best

    Happy Eating and boogie boogie.

  7. Hello again Ivy and warm greetings this Thursday.
    I've just been over to visit Sheila, her work is so colourful isn't it.

    I totally agree with you about blogging, "There's something for everyone and the support is pretty darn cool. The best

    Happy Eating and boogie boogie."

    Take Care, Happy Baking

    All the best Jan


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The best of health to you and yours.
