Tuesday, 6 January 2015

Weight Watcher's launch Low Carb New Year diet plan or the diet that dare not speak it's name !

Weight Watcher's launch Low Carb New Year diet plan.

Over at the Express newspaper they run an article on the Weight Watchers New Year diet plan. Much to my amazement there is a lot of low carb grub listed and definitely a step in the right direction. But, there is always a but, they seem to be hedging their bets. Lot's of talk of low fat, while recommending high fat foods and also a get out of jail free card should it all go pear shaped with this comment. "Lower carb doesn't mean no carbs, as we know that's not a healthy approach to weight loss. Instead this is about enjoying lighter carbs with a focus on satisfying proteins. It is important to include healthy, especially wholegrain, carbohydrates in your meals each day so you'll see some throughout the diet."

OK a few contradictory statements, but yet again we see ever more outfits recommending low carb. In the six years or more I have been promoting low carb, it has gone from only practised by freaky eaters and is now becoming mainstream. 

Onwards and upwards. 

Full story here.



  1. Still a little way to go yet but definitely a step in the right direction. Think people like the idea of weekly meetings to spur them on.

  2. Eddie the entertainer,

    If you're recommending the diet for low carb, you'd sell out to anyone, or maybe you just read what you want to.
    But if you really have sold your soul to a diet that has a twix bar, Jaffa cakes, and quavers in it, you're really scratching around for our approval.

    You don't have it yet fat boy, but keep looking.
    Eventually you may make sense. (not.)
    Until then, keep up your nonsense.
    But you're sad, your posts really seem desperate to get you accepted out here in the world.

    You know it makes sense.

  3. Anon

    Did I say it was a perfect low carb diet? No, but a step in the right direction. When Weight Watchers are talking low carb it means carboholic meds junkies like you have lost big time.

    Now please keep eating the junk, swilling your meds, and posting like a deranged moron.

    BTW thanks for upping our comments and page views big time, now you know why we authorise the rubbish people like you post.

    Always a method in the madness.

    Am I right, or am I right!


  4. Well, Eddie, you certainly need someone to read your rubbish here, otherwise you nay as well just tell the rest of your household, like the forum you seem to have failed on.

    But, if you're desperate for viewers, to such an extent you want to be an internet clown, 'Madness' is probably the right term, possibly down to the HF diet?

    In this you are right, and no one could disagree.

  5. Interesting to see if Slimming World will follow this path. Why not just eat low carb high fat?

  6. Anonymous said...
    Interesting to see if Slimming World will follow this path. Why not just eat low carb high fat?

    Everywhere we look these days sugar and high sugar foods are being vilified. Fats from natural sources are being given the green light.

    Last year was a great year for the low carb cause, and what a great new year we have got off to.

    They all know it makes sense, and so many have stopped fighting it. The future is bright, the future is low carb.


  7. The future for LC will be bright if you stop posting, until then it's more like a stand up comedy act, and I have to be honest, it's worth trying to increase the hits you get, just for the entertainment value.

    Am I right, or am I right.

  8. Anon

    Well over two million reads on the forums and blogs I have started tells me people like what we post.

    Perhaps you could direct me to some of your work.


  9. you are very annoying anon. this blog has great articles which many find interesting. do you not have other things to do?


  10. To the cowardly and spineless anon.

    No more comments on this thread. Never once have you offered any alternative to a low carb diet, never once a constructive critique.

    Go and jerk off somewhere else.


  11. Who knows but maybe 2015 will be the LOW CARB year. It is in my household.


  12. Many years (decades?) ago, WW in the US tried a quasi- low'ish carb plan called the "Fat and Fiber" plan. You were allowed to eat more fat if you ate a certain amount of fiber each day.

    I started it and found it a great plan, but the leaders were not really on board with this plan, and whenever I asked questions at a meeting they quickly steered the conversation back to the usual. I think the plan didn't even last a year in the annals of WW history.

    If you google "weight watchers fat and fiber" you'll see snippets like " I followed the fat and fiber plan in 1995-96, and I was never more successful!"--But WW was too afraid to support it then. I imagine this idea will meet a similar fate.

    What interests me is that my mom was on WW (US version) in the early 1970's and was thin for the only time in her adult years (until she stopped following the plan). Back then, WW limited bread, pasta, fruit, and potatoes, and required members to eat at least one serving of liver and two servings of fish each week. I think they had it right, once upon a time.

  13. Anonymous Moron said...
    Eddie the entertainer,

    You’re lucky Eddie entertained you if I had been online your post would have been deleted

    If you're recommending the diet for low carb, you'd sell out to anyone, or maybe you just read what you want to.
    But if you really have sold your soul to a diet that has a twix bar, Jaffa cakes, and quavers in it, you're really scratching around for our approval.

    Try reading the post Moron, no way does Eddie state he’s recommending the diet for low carb,

    You don't have it yet fat boy, but keep looking.
    Eventually you may make sense. (not.)
    Until then, keep up your nonsense.
    But you're sad, your posts really seem desperate to get you accepted out here in the world.

    But we are accepted in the world moron; check out last month’s stats from the top ten countries visiting our blog.

    United States: 11268
    United Kingdom: 6153
    France: 5400
    Ukraine: 1204
    Poland: 1130
    Germany: 1037
    Denmark: 938
    Canada: 777
    Australia: 670
    Russia: 334

    You know it makes sense.

    Yep LowCarb sure does

    Kind regards

  14. Thanks for your post JanKnitz, it is indeed interesting to read your report on WW back in the 70's - shame they did change their views. Mind you the world changed it's views and approach too. Hopefully the tide is now turning back to cutting down on sugars / carbs I certainly hope so.

    All the best Jan

  15. Ha, just checked that out
    That less than 1000 a day over the Christmas period, when everyone is as home, and looking for the 'miracle' diet after Christmas, and googling for the magic bullet.
    So you get all the cranks, and you still didn't get a decent figure?
    Even on a site run by cranks?

    Keep it up, who knows, tomorrow someone in Sweden?

  16. Anonymous Moron said...
    Ha, just checked that out
    That less than 1000 a day over the Christmas period, when everyone is as home, and looking for the 'miracle' diet after Christmas, and googling for the magic bullet.
    So you get all the cranks, and you still didn't get a decent figure?
    Even on a site run by cranks?

    Your not the sharpest knife in the drawer are you sunshine, read my post again Moron: I stated "stats from the top ten countries",the total hits are far higher. You do realise there are more than ten countries in the world don't you?

    Keep it up, who knows, tomorrow someone in Sweden?

    22 from Sweden today

    That's your lot on this blog sunshine unless you comment with a recognisable forum name.

    Nightie night

    Graham x


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The best of health to you and yours.
