Sunday, 1 March 2015

DCUK forum Mods more post edits and disappearing threads.

This is part of yet another edited and then removed thread, catherinecherub long time drama queen and now a power mad ego tripping mod was responsible.

This is the offending sentence that was edited out before the thread disappeared.

When asked why, I was told in a private message, "Thread  locked as pointless to leave on the on the boards.....We have to crack on here and move on to more important issues".

The thread referred to by poshtotty is here

Looks like beardie has suffered the same fate as many other recently banned members.

Censorship is rife and debate stifled at DCUK, if the cherub and anna are doing their best to emulate cugila's reign as a bent mod it's looking like they've achieved it.  

Many thanks to the DCUK members who sent the latest screen shots, have kept some in reserve to use at a later date. 



  1. Anna and Cherub are both power crazy who follow rules when it suits. Multiple edits, deletions and bans without foundation. Cherub just cannot "click" with forum members whilst Anna talks in riddles like a woman possessed.

  2. If you choose to be a member of any Forum you choose and accept their rules including freedom of speech or no freedom of speech. You control your computer mouse nobody else.

    L B

  3. Anonymous said...
    If you choose to be a member of any Forum you choose and accept their rules including freedom of speech or no freedom of speech. You control your computer mouse nobody else.

    Accepting rules is OK but seeing as some of the mods are not impartial the way they are applied leaves a lot to be desired.


  4. I probably deserved to be banned again. I was not in a good place and pain was getting worse by the day. I tended to ramble a lot back then. Still not great but have managed to get the doc to refer me to a neurologist.

  5. I am beardie by the way, sorry.

  6. I guessed that mate, welcome aboard.


  7. To be fair to me, I was banned because I had been banned before.
    The previous time I asked to be banned to stop me talking nonsense. They asked me to come back. when I did I was banned for being previously banned. there was another agenda I feel. but I feel no malice. A web site like that is not easy to run.

  8. Why don't you post on the forum.


  9. Hi Beardie

    It's good to read your comments here, and you are most welcome. However, you are not banned from our Low Carb Diabetic Forum please use this link and go to this thread - lots of people want to hear from you.

    All the best Jan

  10. Sorry thought you meant the other forum.


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