Monday, 23 March 2015

Jimmy Moore and Franziska Spritzler in Conversation - 24 March 2015

It has been so encouraging to see the many newspaper reports, blog reports, Forum Articles and all round good news about the LCHF lifestyle. It can benefit all, but especially diabetics.

Now. it does take courage to go against the established dogma for what consists of the so called healthy diet. Increasingly, more Doctors and Healthcare Professionals are sticking their heads above the parapet, they refuse to be conned by big pharma and junk food companies. They are more interested in the health of their patients and clients than the pay cheque or job security. They are boat rockers, and deserve our support. Such a Woman is Franziska Spritzler, RD, CDE. We need more people like Franziska, please visit her site, let her know she is appreciated, it’s people like Franziska who will bring about the much needed change.

She will be in conversation with Jimmy Moore on the 24th March 2015 - put the date in your diary. She has also recently written a book called 'The Low Carb Dietitian's Guide to Health and Beauty' which contains great advice not only for women .... the man in your life could well pick up some great health tip pointers .... just leave it on the coffee table for him!

Franziska's blog is here

Link to her book here

Please note we have no commercial interest in promoting Franziska or her book, we do so because we believe in and live the LCHF lifestyle.

All the best Jan, Eddie and all on the low carb team


  1. Thanks for the timely reminder.

  2. Looking forward to it, thanks.



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The best of health to you and yours.
