Saturday, 4 April 2015

The World Is Full Of Rubbish !

Well here in the UK, Spring is here, the weather is still mixed but as it is the Easter weekend many have more free time and perhaps have plans to share special time with family and friends. This could be a visit to someones home or maybe a walk ..... for others it may mean some retail therapy, and a trip to the shops has been planned. Whatever you plan to do - enjoy your time.

I do however have a small request, as a public awareness slogan says 'please take your rubbish home with you' and leave the place you may have visited a cleaner environment for us all to enjoy, thanks.

Image result for cartoon rubbish bin images

Valerie Dohren has written about rubbish, she has some valid points I think !

The world is full of rubbish
I see it all around
Strewn along the pavements
And scattered ‘cross the ground

It hangs on outstretched branches
Like washing on a line
Dumped into the river
Oh, aint it such a crime

You'll find it in the gutter
Amassed around the trees
Tangled in the hedges
And carried by the breeze

Blown around like tumbleweed
You'll find it everywhere
It wraps around my feet
Then flies into my hair

So if you are responsible
For putting it about
Shame on you because its clear
You're just a litter-lout! 

And hence, my friend, I ask you
What should we do with it -
Put it in the dustbin
But make sure it will fit

There's also verbal rubbish
That rolls right off the tongue
The stuff that's made of words
That rattle all day long

You'll hear it on the telly
Which isn't very good
I'm sure you will agree
It's just a heap of crud

Some politicians spout it
And those who have no brains
Writers even write it
When nothing else remains

So, all my fellow poets,
If what you have to say
Amounts to simply rubbish
Then put your pen away

Methinks the time is coming
To take my final bow
Terminate this nonsense
And end it, stop it now

I know what you are thinking
(Some words I can't repeat)
This rhyme's a load of rubbish
Which PH should delete

Enjoy your weekend, and if you are planning a walk hope you enjoy it.

All the best Jan


  1. LOL -- thanks, Jan, and happy Easter!

  2. I appreciate the words written. Rubbish in the countryside looks untidy and is a health hazard to many birds and animals.

    At the moment all of our Politicians could be seen as a health hazard. The NHS and it's many caring professionals do their best but they are struggling. More should be done, and action speaks louder than words.

    Kath (retired HCP)

  3. I am with you about the garbage... it really is not all that hard to hold onto until you get home... I though both my girls not to litter, it is rude and selfish to expect others to clean up after you... great reminder ... Happy Easter Jan xox


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